感激好心人幫忙! 毅進英文功課 presentation 1份

2008-09-15 1:01 pm

(三選一)便可 即1.2.3.隨便一個題目 能說2分鐘就可以了!

回答 (2)

2008-09-16 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
大家好。我的姓名是XXX , 很高興可以在這介紹自己和認識大家。

我的興趣係打網球和影相 , 所以在四個月的暑假中 , 我參加了網球的訓練班 。

另外 , 我在一間百貨公司找了份暑期工 , 雖然只做了一個月 , 但我獲益良多。

在放榜後 , 我跟家人去了北京旅遊 and 觀看奧運比賽 。

雖然我的英文不是太好 , 但我會盡全力學習 , 希望在高考拿得好成績 , 並順利升讀大學。

最後 , 希望大家有個愉快的預科生活。

Hello. My name is XXX, is very happy may in this introduce oneself and
knows everybody.

My interest is plays the tennis and the shade, therefore in four
month-long summer vacations, I participated in the tennis training

Moreover, I have looked for the share in a department store summer the
labor, although has only done for a month, but I obtain benefits a
great deal.

After announcing a list of successful candidates, I went to Beijing
traveling and with the family member to watch Olympic Games to

Although my English is not too good, but I can study completely with
all one's strength, hoped takes the good result at the college
entrance examination, and smoothly rises to read the university.

Finally, hoped everybody has the happy preparatory course life.
2008-09-16 10:34 am
希望樓主你自己用中文先度好一篇野,組織一下段落,再譯英文,有心讀書,就應該多D靠自己,難度你出黎做野都打算係咁?只係2分鐘,try your best!
1. 先介紹你姓名同職位,如SALES REPRESENTITIVE,做左幾耐
2. 公司而家發售新產品....如電器,食物,工具等
3. 該產品有咩好處,如生活上既方便,慳位,便宜,耐用等
4. 介紹邊度有得賣,呢D野作既姐,作超市,百貨,萬寧,屈銀紙等作埋尾!希望大家在優惠期間買,會平D之類

PS: 如果你打算跟樓上的抄,最好改一下英文先,ALTHOUGH不會接BUT,這是小學生也會懂的文法!

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