Song of Gone with the Wind

2008-09-15 6:53 am
請問有無人知道一首 oldies 叫 Gone with the Wind?
唔係套電影嗰首Theme, 係有個男人唱的 (好細個時聽過,但忘了是誰唱的)
首歌好似 Higgins Bertie 首 Casablanca 咁唱 Casablanca 套電影的

回答 (3)

2008-09-15 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
嘩! 真係好耐咯! "Gone with the Wind" 係1937年嘅冠軍歌, 由 Allie Wrubel作曲, Herb Magidson作詞, Horace Heidt主唱.
在Youtube 有 Muppet Show (芝蔴街) Jim Nobors 唱嘅版本睇. 你自已揾吓啦, 呢度唔 post 得 link .
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-09-15 6:21 pm
Thanks for the link, i seached it but can't find it.
It's an oldies, likes "Platter - Smoke Gets in your Eyes" or "Rightoues Brother - Unchained Melody"
2008-09-15 7:16 am
呢度有一堆關於 Gone with the Wind歌曲,睇吓搵唔搵到你想要果隻.

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