點解wax既melting point禁低boiling point禁高?

2008-09-15 3:19 am
點解wax既melting point禁低boiling point禁高?

回答 (1)

2008-09-15 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wax 係 hydrocarbons( compounds that contain only hydrogen and carbon atoms. 佢係covalent compound with a simple covalent structure, 不過有macromolecules (1個waxe molecule 有成25個或以上既碳原子).Simple covalent structure既特點係粒子與粒子之間靠Van der Waal's (很微的力)牽連,所以一般它們都只有很低的melting point及boiling point,但這Van der Waal's force會隨粒子的體積增加而變大.
 Wax 係咁多simple covalent structure 裡面唔算低melting point, 都有四十幾度, 因為佢個粒子大,Van der Waal's force強, 比起普通simple covalent structure 例如水, 都係得0度,wax己算係高.你不能將它與金屬比較(佢地有giant metallic structure). Wax 既boiling point 則超過四百度,係simple covalent structure都算高,原因亦與上述的大同小異.
 總括來說,wax 係simple covalent structure都算有高melting point同boiling point,但與其他的giant ionic,giant covalent 同giant metallic structure 相比則不算高.

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