
2008-09-14 10:30 pm

1. 我們要制定一套評估方法,以便日後參考之用。
2. 我們要制定公司的優點,這樣才可以讓員工了解公司的所長。
3. 當我們選擇DM公司時,必須考慮這些因素,有助我們選出最適合的代理公司。

回答 (3)

2008-09-15 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. We have to set up a series of assessment methods for future reference.

2. We have to identify the strength of our company, so that our staff can know it.

3. We have to consider these factors when we choose a DM company, since they will help us to decide on the best agency.
參考: 自己
2008-09-15 2:46 am
1. We must formulate a set of appraisal method, so that in the future reference.

2. We must formulate company's merit, like this only then may let the staff understand company's manager.

3. When we choose DM Corporation, must consider these factors, is helpful us to select the most suitable proxy company.
參考: 我自己
2008-09-15 12:12 am
我們要制定一套評估方法,以便日後參考之用。We want to formulate set of appraisals methods, in order to in the
future using of the reference.

We want to formulate company's merit, like this only then may let
manager which the staff understands the company.

When we choose DM Corporation, must consider these factors, are
helpful us to select the most suitable proxy company.
參考: 大家唔好抄我啲

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