唔該幫我作封 e-mail +20分 !

2008-09-14 12:35 pm
幫我作封英文 mail ,
俾我姑媽的 ,
因為佢移民左去 uk ,
驚亂碼所以要英文 ,

內容主要確認交冇俾錯 e-mail 地址對方 ,

send 翻 2 張相俾佢 ,

同多謝上次佢黎 hk 俾我封利是


回答 (5)

2008-09-14 5:38 pm
Dear Aunt,

How's your life in UK?

Please take a look to my email address as I want to make sure it's correct.

Attached are the photos for you.

And many thanks for the lucky money you gave me in HK.

Well, take care of yourself, bye bye!

xxxxxx (name)

參考: me
2008-09-14 4:55 pm
Dear Aunt,

How are you? How is your life in UK?

I would like to confirm the E-mail address which is correct or not??

I think you may want to see me, so I send you two photos of me.

By the ways, Thanks for giving me the red pocket money when you came to HK last time.

PS. I miss you!! I am looking forward to hearing your reply.

Your name..
參考: me and my sis
2008-09-14 4:21 pm
Dear aunt,
I have missed you very much since the last time you were in Hong Kong with me.What's your life in UK? I would like to send my blessing though this e-mail and know wether e-mail is correct.
2008-09-14 12:56 pm
Dear Aunt,

I hope you are all settled in UK with the new environment. (希望她對新的環境已適應)

Can you please verify if this email address of yours is correct?
([email protected])
(交冇俾錯 e-mail 地址對方)

Please find attached are two photos.
(send 翻 2 張相俾佢)

Thanks much for the Red Envelope you gave me last time while you were visiting Hong Kong!
(同多謝上次佢黎 hk 俾我封利是)

參考: Self
2008-09-14 12:44 pm
Dear aunt,
I have missed you very much since the last time you were in Hong Kong with me.What's your life in UK? I would like to send my blessing though this e-mail and know wether e-mail is correct.

Hope it can you
參考: me

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