How many of you would join me in forcing the gas prices down until Hurricane Ike is gone?

2008-09-13 5:42 pm
Oil prices went down to just over $100 a barrel. However, gas prices in my area surged to well over $4 a gallon because Hurricane Ike caused oil refineries along the Texas coast to shut down. In order to bring down the gas prices again, I have decided not to drive my vehicle until the oil refineries along the Texas coast have returned to normal operation. I am going to take public transportation during this time. I cannot do it alone. I need your help.

回答 (28)

2008-09-14 8:17 am
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Its too bad more people wont.
I quit driving (except long car trips) 2 years ago. I walk, ride a bike or take public transportation.
I have less stress in my life and am happier for the change.

Try it - you may end up staying with it.

* to get the SUV's and Trucks off the road (unless they are needed for work)
2008-09-17 2:45 am
there is absolutely nothing you can do to make the gas prices go down. they will lower eventually but even then not that much. people in the united states are so selfish people in foreign countries work 10 times harder then we do for less pay. they also have to pay higher prices for gas. Instead of whining about the gas prices get off your butt and help the people whos lives are worse because of the hurricane.
2008-09-14 10:12 pm
You say this as if the oil companies planned Hurricane Ike on purpose. The simple fact of the matter is that nearly 25% of America's oil drilling and refinery capacity is offline due to Gustav and Ike. At the same time, people have been using gas like it's free. Hell, some idiot was on the radio the other day talking about how he put $3000 in gas in his boat so he could park it outside of the UT football stadium only to watch the game on TV on his boat. When people don't conserve and supply drops dramatically, gas goes up. Gas stations in my area ran out of gas in one day and the price went up $1.00+ per gallon.
2008-09-14 5:28 am
Yup, I use public transportation too.

But the only way it will work is if people keep using it. Using it for a week until gas prices go back down isn't going to do anything. If you have public transportation that goes where you need to go, why aren't you using it anyway?
2008-09-18 3:13 pm
Well, maybe if all the refineries were not along the Gulf coast and all the oil rigs were not in the gulf of Mexico the price wouldn't spike as much. Perhaps we should allow new refineries build in different parts of the country and drilling in different locations than just the gulf.

There is an old saying, don't put all your eggs in one basket, and that's what we seem to be doing (aside from buying way too much from foreign countries.)
2016-10-16 5:26 pm
living on the Gulf Coast -- each and every time that a Tropical typhoon is showing up interior the forecast .. there's a super RUSH to receive gasoline in the past the stations strengthen the fees (minimum of 10 cents according to gallon interior a pair of hours) ... it particularly is confusing sufficient because it particularly is -- WHY make people depressing by ability of elevating fees in the past there is any impact on production efforts -- and because a super element of oil is from outdoors of the U. S. -- the Gulf production won't be the ingredient here. so .. base line is this -- no rely what -- Gustav, Ike, even the storms Ivan, Dennis, Rita, etc -- all of them ended in bigger gasoline fees all around. a minimum of in FL we can checklist this to a HOTLINE (and receive our photos too -- have self belief me, I do take cost photos) for suspicious movements which could in all likelihood be cost gouging.
2008-09-16 11:57 pm
as a victim of hurricane ike here outside of the Houston area, I'd pay 20 dollars a gallon right now to keep my generator going. I waited well over 2 hours today at a gas station that would allow you to have no more than ten gallons. Very few stations are opened here...the tx coast will be screwy for a LONG time.
if you look at the news at the right time
the tx coast isn't even open. Ships carrying gas and lord knows what else are waiting til the gulf reopens.... we're n quite a standstill.
2008-09-15 11:49 pm
Post disaster profiteering from American Big Oil and/or any corporate business---large, medium and small---should be deemed a criminal act.

Being Bush, Jr. and VP Cheney both are monopolistic oilmen, are quietly enjoying the Big Oil profit potential---so don't look for either one to stand up for America anytime soon, if ever.

LOUDLY VOICE YOUR CONCERNS to your legislative elected officials in your state NOW!!! Hopefully, your state governor will on TV---warn any business found guilty of price jacking in the wake of Gustav and/or Ike WILL be shut down, the employees and owners arrested---and all face VERY steep penalty fines.

While doing this, en masse--take on public transportation and leave the newly price jacked pumps alone. Big Oil's betting that you'll eventually cave in to their high prices. Show them how wrong they are.

2008-09-15 5:23 pm
Yeah, the same is true here in NJ. Even though the price of oil went down over $25/barrel in the past month, the gas here just keeps going up at the pumps. This is a definite sign of price gouging and corruption among the oil companies and the oil-rich republicans currently in office. They used Hurricane Ike as an excuse, even though it barely damaged most of the most dependent-upon oil pipelines in the South. It just goes to prove that the gas stations are just looking to make more money off any excuse they can think of and the reason why is because no one is stopping them!! I wish I could NOT rely on my car so much, however public transportation really stinks where I live and buses only run once every 1- 2 hours. Which brings me to my next point......public transportation companies need to grow more and start serving more communities located further away from the larger cities so they don't have to rely so much on their car, like me.
2008-09-15 4:47 am
Yeah, It's bullshit. The oil co's push and push, using any excuse they can to drive prices up. Oil prices go up, gas goes up, oil prices go down, gas stays the same. WTF? A hurricaine is coming, gas jumps 30 cents in a matter of minutes. But wait, isn't the gas already in the tanks? The hurricane shouldn't affect the price of gas that has already been refined and delivered, should it? But it does, somehow. Exxon/Mobil recorded the highest profits ever by a U.S. company, in the histotory of everything, last year. But, no, they are not ******* us hard. They have yet to begin ******* us hard. This is just a low to moderate ******* us level. I mean, they haven't even started rationing gas yet.

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