(脂肪肝) 問題~ 英文請幫幫手轉做中文~ 謝!

2008-09-14 3:56 am
The liver is normal in size with smooth contour.

The boundary of left lobe of liver is not well defined.

There is a moderate diffuse increase in hepatic echogenicity, with slightly impaired visualization of the intrahepatic vessels and diaphragm. Appearance is compatible with moderate fatty infiltration of liver.

No focal mass lesion or cirrhosis noted in the liver.

The hepatic and portal veins are patent.

The common bile duct and the intrahepatic biliary ducts are not dilated. Calibre of the common bile duct is measured to be about 4.9 mm.

No fluid collection noted in the subphrenic or subhepatic spaces.

Moderate fatty infiltration of liver.
Ill-defined boundary of left lobe of liver.
CT scanning of liver is suggested for further evaluation.

回答 (2)

2008-09-14 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
The liver is normal in size with smooth contour.肝臟的體積正常,外形線條圓滑。
The boundary of left lobe of liver is not well defined.左邊肝葉的邊界不明顯。
There is a moderate diffuse increase in hepatic echogenicity,----hepatic echogenicity有普通程度而擴散式的增加。 with slightly impaired visualization of the intrahepatic vessels and diaphragm. 肝臟內部血管和橫隔膜的能見度有輕微破壞。Appearance is compatible with moderate fatty infiltration of liver.肝臟外表附合「中度脂肪沁透肝臟」
No focal mass lesion or cirrhosis noted in the liver.無明確硬塊病變,或肝硬化。
The hepatic and portal veins are patent.肝臟血管及膽血管是清晰的。
The common bile duct and the intrahepatic biliary ducts are not dilated. 主膽管和肝臟內分枝膽管沒有擴張。 Calibre of the common bile duct is measured to be about 4.9 mm.主膽管的直徑口約寬 4.9 毫米。
No fluid collection noted in the subphrenic or subhepatic spaces.沒有液體積聚在橫隔膜和肝臟之間的空間,與及肝臟和附近器官之間的空間。

Comment: 評註
Moderate fatty infiltration of liver.中度脂肪沁透肝臟
Ill-defined boundary of left lobe of liver.左肝葉邊界不明顯
CT scanning of liver is suggested for further evaluation. 提議用電腦素描作進一步評估。
註:我想這是個用顯影劑 (Barium)注射入肝臟,然後照 X 光的醫學報告,hepatic echogenicity查字典找不到,已盡力找,可能從醫學字典才可知其意思,sorry!

2008-09-21 18:04:00 補充:
jackypeople34 ( 小學級 5 級 ) 尊重你自己,不要為些少分數抄襲我的答案
2008-09-14 4:01 am


有在肝echogenicity 的適度散開增量, 以intrahepatic 船和膜片的輕微地被削弱的形象化。出現是與肝臟的適度肥膩濾滲兼容。



共同的膽管和intrahepatic 膽汁輸送管不膨脹。共同的膽管的口徑被測量是大約4.9 毫米。

沒有可變的收藏被注意在subphrenic 或subhepatic 空間。

評論: 肝臟的適度肥膩濾滲。肝臟左耳垂不清楚的界限。肝臟CT 掃描被建議為進一步評估。
參考: 自己

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