✔ 最佳答案
Having a set of strategic management system can enable the management to objectively review the existing operation of the club. Through strategic planning and plan of action, the club can easily establish its direction for the future and measure whether the existing operation is moving towards the established target. It also helps to understand the progress at present and evaluate regularly so that appropriate revision of the strategy can be implemented in time to maintain a right direction towards to established goal and make sure financial resources are used in its optimal capacity.
An excellent strategic planning for running a club can reduce avoidable mistakes and increase the involvement of the management, members and the staff. Meanwhile members are also willing to spend money on value-added areas.
Most clubs will publish Newsletters regularly to provide latest information to its members. As a matter of fact, Newsletter has already become an unique culture for the private club industry and most members like to read and understand what’s new in the club. Since Newsletter is a channel for the club to communicate with its members, so there are many aspects we need to pay extra care. For example, every release of Newsletter should have its own theme such as a Newsletter issued in December should be totally related to Christmas and winter activities. Other unrelated topics should never be included in the December Newsletter.
Beside the main theme for each publication, the content of Newsletter should also convey its message to the members with clear and simple language in both English and Chinese. Using jargon in the industry is definitely inappropriate. Reasons being that the readers of the Newsletters varies from different ages and nationality. Hence a simple language is the best tool to convey the ideas that the clubs would like its members to fully understand.
2008-09-14 02:34:51 補充:
Moreover, the Newsletter should contain all necessary information that the members must know for each activity such as its content and process of participation.
2008-09-14 02:35:30 補充:
All information should be streamlined and important date should be highlighted so that the members can easily recognize when and how to participate the activities.
2008-09-14 02:35:52 補充:
Another aspect to be taken care is the placement of advertisement. Excess advertisement or promotion on the products of the clubs will make the Newsletter too commercial and lose its original goal.
2008-09-14 02:36:15 補充:
As for the printing of Newsletters, it is better to use a layout format that the members are familiar with and font used should easy to read. If there is a frequent change on the layout format, members will find it inconvenient to search for those regular information they are looking for.
2008-09-14 02:36:42 補充:
In order to make a clear layout for the Newsletter with good printing quality, it is suggested that the club should seek for professional advice and service from the printing company.
2008-09-14 02:37:08 補充:
Finally, since Newsletter is the best channel for the club to communicate with its members, it would be best to set up a communication platform in the letter so that the members to exchange ideas with the clu
2008-09-14 02:37:49 補充:
b. Through this process of obtaining valuable comments and feedbacks from the members, the club will be benefited for its future operation and areas for improvement.