What do MH, BBS, JP stand for?

2008-09-14 1:51 am
As title. What do MH, BBS, JP stand for, and are there any meanings?

回答 (2)

2008-09-18 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
M.H. = =Master of Home-economics 家政學碩士

B.B.S. = Bachelor of Business Science/Studies 工商學士

J.P. = Justice of the Peace 治安官 or 太平紳士

2016-05-16 7:31 am
榮譽勳章 英文:Medal of Honour,縮寫:MH
銅紫荊星章 英文:Bronze Bauhinia Star,縮寫BBS
太平紳士 英文:justice of the peace,縮寫JP

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