about the grammar...

2008-09-14 1:30 am
我想問下呢一句 Is anybody sitting there?

個 sitting 係咪因為佢只係一個暫時性既動作,所以先要用present continuous.而個 Is 就因為佢後面跟既係一個present continuous?


仲有一句who does this umbrella belong to?
咁佢個does後面係noun (this umbrella) , 唔係應該who is this umbrella belong to架咩?

are you into the beatles?
點解唔係do you? (into = like)

比D gammar整到好亂..

回答 (2)

2008-09-14 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Is anybody sitting there? this sentence, when saying this to another person, does not really relate to anything 暫時性 or not, but rather asking for the fact that if someone takes the seat or not, if so, whether that person just go away for a while or he or she will not go back to take the seat anymore. Then, since that person may still come back to continue his or her act of taking the seat, so use simple present continuous tense.

for your second sentence, since "who" refers to a person. and "does" actually refers to "who". the whole sentence means "who owns the umbrella". Or else, you can change it to "Whose umbrella is this?"

if we say Do you like Beatles? its very likely to have yes or no answers only. "Yes, I like Beatles. Beacuse..." but if we say are you into beatles", we can say "We are not really into beatles because their music is too slow for me..." the difference is "Do you" has more definitely answer while "Are you into..." can give us more flexibility.
2008-09-14 1:33 am
Let me help you...Listen !!!

Is anyone sitting here . This sentertens have is , so we use present continous tenses.

I hope I can help you!

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