
2008-09-13 11:09 pm



Relative Pitch又係d咩??同Perfect Pitch有冇唔同??有咩唔同??

回答 (2)

2008-09-14 5:25 pm
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一般黎講, 大多數人都係靠相對音感去聽出個音係咩音(指音高), 即係要有參考音先可以判斷其他音既音高, 而Perfect pitch, 係指個人可以聽出隨意一個音既係咩音!

致於可唔可以練, 有唔同睇法, 我記得有驗究話只可以係5-6歲前先可能練到, 之後就幾乎冇可能(都有极少數例外)! 而一般既音樂教師都認為依樣野係天生, 好難靠練可以練到~



雖然大部份Perfect Pitch都系天生, but我個fd学piano 8級、小提琴演奏級,,佢糸練gar...3..

而relative Pitch..
The term relative pitch may denote:

the distance of a musical note from a set point of reference, e.g. "three octaves above middle C"
a musician's ability to identify the intervals between given tones, regardless of their relation to concert pitch (A = 440 Hz)
the skill used by singers to correctly sing a melody, following musical notation, by pitching each note in the melody according to its distance from the previous note. Alternatively, the same skill which allows someone to hear a melody for the first time and name the notes relative to some known starting pitch.
developed through intense training, practicing hearing differences between major, minor, diminished, and augmented intervals
This last definition, which applies not only to singers but also to players of instruments who rely on their own skill to determine the precise pitch of the notes played (wind instruments, fretless string instruments like violin or viola, etc.), is an essential professional skill to be able to play with others. As an example think of the different concert pitch used by orchestras playing music from different styles (a baroque orchestra with original instruments might decide to use a much lower pitch). A soloist singer trying to sing in the perfect pitch would sound constantly "out of tune".
參考: 自己,,,other網,,維基
2008-09-18 4:15 pm
Absolute pitch, or perfect pitch, is "the ability to identify the frequency or musical name of a specific tone, or, conversely, the ability to reproduce a frequency, frequency level, or musical pitch without comparing the tone with any objective reference tone, i.e., without using relative pitch."
The prevalence of absolute pitch is considerably higher among individuals with early childhood in East Asia.
The prevalence of absolute pitch is higher among those who are blind from birth, due to optic nerve hypoplasia, and has been claimed to be higher among individuals with Williams Syndrome and those with an autism spectrum disorder.
Relative pitch

Main article: Relative pitch
Many musicians have quite good relative pitch, a skill which can be learned. With practice, it is possible to listen to a single known pitch once (from a pitch pipe or a tuning fork) and then have stable, reliable pitch identification by comparing the notes heard to the stored memory of the tonic pitch.Unlike absolute pitch, this skill is dependent on a recently perceived tonal center.
參考: I have relative pitch

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