what is 10% of £27 correct answer please?

2008-09-12 8:45 am
erm i am stuck
dont understand
so correct answer if possible

回答 (29)

2008-09-12 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-09-12 8:49 am
27 x 10 divided by 100 = 2.7
參考: :)
2016-11-02 1:51 am
10 Of 27
2016-03-28 1:42 pm
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/aSqln

1) Crimson 2) Lavender 3) Yellow 4) Pink 5) Rose 6) Amber 7) Aquamarine 8) Blue 9) White 10) Purple 11) Cobalt 12) Green 13) Peach 14) Fawn 15) Turquoise 16) Brown 17) Red 18) Black 19) Olive 20) Burgundy 21) Grey 22) Lilac 23) Violet 24) Scarlet 25) Vermillion 26) Magenta 27) Maroon
2016-03-18 9:10 pm
1Crimson 2 Lavender 3 Yellow 4 Pink 5 Rose 6 Amber 7 Aquamarine 8 Blue 9 White 10 Purple 11 Cobalt 12 Green 13 Peach 14 Fawn 15 Turquoise 16 Brown 17 Red 18 Black 19Olive 20Burgundy 21 Grey 22 Lilac 23 Violet 24 Scarlet 25 ??? 26 Magenta 27 Maroon
2008-09-13 6:52 am
10% means 10 percent
£ just a unit of money
10 % = 10 / 100
10% of 27
= 10/100 * 27
= 10*27/100
= 270/100
= 27/10
= 2.7
therefor 10% of £27 is
= £2.7
2008-09-12 6:11 pm
the correct answer if your talking money is £2.70

However if your talking pure math than its £2.7 to 2 sigfig, as the quantities in the question only has 2 significant numbers (sigfig) so you cant be sure that its not £27.01 of 10.01% and the counter was'nt accurate enough to count to 1 decimil point.
2008-09-12 10:36 am
£27 x 10%
= £27 x 10/100
= £27 x 1/10
= £27/10
= £2.7
2008-09-12 9:24 am
It's £2.70. There's a very easy rule. Remember that 10 percent is one tenth, 20 percent is 2 tenths, 30 percent is 3 tenths, 40 percent is ...you've guessed it, 4 tenths, and so on ..... right up to 90 percent being 9 tenths.

Now you know that you have to find one tenth of £27, and to find one tenth of anything, you divide by 10, just as you divide by 5 to find one fifth, by 3 to find one third, by 4 to find one quarter and so on.

Now, the easiest way to divide anything by 10 is simply to remove a zero from the end, and if there are no zeros, then to move the decimal point one place to the left. There are no zeros, and while it looks as if there are no points, the point is there, after the 7 - you just can't see it. But it is really 27.00, so move the point along one space and you get 2.70. Simple.
2008-09-12 9:10 am
10% of £27-00 = (10 x £27-00 = £270-00 divided by 100) = £2-70 ! 100% of £27-00 = £27-00 therefore 10% = 1/10th of £27-00 = £2-70 !
2008-09-12 8:51 am
1) 10 % is 10/100 = 1/10 so dived 27 by ten .
2) 1 % of 27 is 27/100 = 0.27 so 10 % = 0.27 x 10 .

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