
2008-09-13 1:48 am
The equaion of two cicle are:
C1:x^2+y^2-4x+6y+8=0 and C2:x^2+y^2-10x-6y+14=0.
a) Find the coordinates of the centre of C1 and C2.
b) Show that C1 and C2 touch each other.
c) Find the point of contact between Ca and C2.
d) Find the equation of tangent common to C1 and C2 and passing through their of contact.

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2008-09-13 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
C1:x2+y2-4x+6y+8 = 0
Centre of C1: (-(-4/2), -6/2) = (2, -3)

C2: x2+y2-10x-6y+14 = 0
Centre of C2: (-(-10/2), -(-6/2)) = (5, 3)

C1:x2+y2-4x+6y+8 = 0 ...... (1)
C2: x2+y2-10x-6y+14 = 0 ...... (2)

Consider the intersection between C1 and C2:
6x+12y-6 = 0
x+2y-1 = 0
x = -2y+1 ...... (3)

Put (3) into (1):
(-2y+1)2+y2-4(-2y+1)+6y+8 = 0
4y2-4y+1+y2+8y-4+6y+8 = 0
5y2+10y+5 = 0
y2 + 2y + 1 = 0

Determinant ∆
= b2 - 4ac
= (2)2 - 4(1)(1)
= 0

There are equal roots.
The two circles meet at one point.
Thus, the two circles touch each other.

From b):
C1:x2+y2-4x+6y+8 = 0 ...... (1)
C2: x2+y2-10x-6y+14 = 0 ...... (2)

x = -2y+1 ...... (3)

Put (3) into (1):
(-2y+1)2+y2-4(-2y+1)+6y+8 = 0
4y2-4y+1+y2+8y-4+6y+8 = 0
5y2+10y+5 = 0
y2 + 2y + 1 = 0
(y+1)2 = 0
y = -1

Put y = -1 into (3):
x = -2(-1)+1
x = 3

The point of the contact = (3. -1)

Slope of the line joining the two centres
= (-3-3)/(2-5)
= 2

Since the tangent ^ the line joining the two centres,
slope of the tangent = -(1/2)

Equation of the required tangent:
y-(-1) = -(1/2)(x-3)
x + 2y - 1 = 0

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