15點...急急急!! 交功課!!英文回答!!!!

2008-09-12 9:59 pm
What is the power of Language?
(Please explain)

回答 (2)

2008-09-12 10:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Words can inform our mind, caress and comfort our feelings, excite and thrill our spirit, or warm and kindle the flame of our hearts. They can also slap our face, punch us in the stomach, rattle our nerves, kill our desire, or destroy our self-confidence. Of course this is metaphorical, but these metaphors capture in words our physical reactions to what is said, and that is the power of language. It can emotionally move and affect us as powerfully as physical actions. Unfortunately, however, we have yet to recognize and legitimize this great power in the way we should, and we are left to deal with language in whatever way we have learned and adopted.
Bullies usually escape punishment if they abuse verbally and do not leave physical bruises and broken bones to prove the presence of abuse. Intimate conversations are not as valued as sexual intimacy, and dramatic or traumatic moments often leave us speechless.
Liberation psychology teaches us how to use and appreciate the power of language with integrity. Integrity is the key word, because without it, the power of language is abused. Integrity, or honesty, in self-expression, eliminates deception, manipulation, judgmental accusations, abusive tongue lashings, and lying. Our orientation toward this communication system, therefore, must be to preserve its integrity by being respectful and honest with the information that gets transmitted through it with the intention of understanding it and having intimacy with it.

2008-09-12 10:49 pm
First:language as a important tool that people can make communication with the others.
Second: language is the thought tool of humans.
Third:language is a product of society, it comes into being and develops with the rise and development of society. It dies when society dies. Apart from society there is no language.
參考: me

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