
2008-09-12 8:45 pm
請問想去 札幌>小樽>富良野/美瑛>旭川>函館>札幌,



回答 (1)

2008-09-12 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since you have only 3 full days for sightseeing, I do not recommend to go to函館 since it takes 3.5 hours from 札幌. You do not have enough time to come back to 札幌.

In winter, there are no flowers in富良野 /

Suggestion for Winter (Oct- Mar)
Day 1 ->札幌, Dinner at 札幌
Day 2札幌 ->小樽 (住小樽住宏樂園浸溫泉)
Day 3小樽->旭川
Day 4 札幌 ->函館 [Better stay at函館 hotel]
Day 5 Leave from 函館 Airport (ANA flight / JAL flight can leave from 函館 instead of 札幌)

If you cannot leave from 函館, you better stay in 札幌

Note : 札幌 ->函館 needs 3 hours, therefore cannot have enough time to get back to札幌.

Suggestion for Summer (May - Sep)
Day 1 ->札幌, Dinner at 札幌
Day 2札幌 ->小樽(住小樽住宏樂園浸溫泉)
Day 3小樽 ->旭川
Day 4 札幌 ->富良野 / 美瑛
Day 5 From 札幌

函館 - 函館山, 函館朝市(早市), 五稜郭, 大三坡, 八幡坡, BAY函館
小樽 - 小樽運河, 壽司屋, 北一硝子(玻璃)3號館, 小樽八音鐘堂
旭川 – 旭山動物園, 旭川市內觀光, 層雲峽 (Suitable for winter or Autumn)
札幌 –札幌市內觀光, 狸小路

富良野 info :
From May – October, there are flowers.

美瑛 info :

Refer to the below website for more info :

If you need more information, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at [email protected].

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