
2008-09-12 5:56 pm
"壓軸表演"的英文係咩? thx

回答 (4)

2008-09-12 6:19 pm
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"壓軸表演" 的英文係 "Grand Finale".
註: 不是用白痴翻譯軟件譯嘅

2008-09-12 18:00:26 補充:
使乜咁長氣呀! "Grand Finale" 咪就係 "壓軸表演" 咁解囉!!

(MSN 字典)
grand fi·nal·e (plural grand fi·nal·es) - noun
final scene: the closing spectacular scene or section of a performance or other show

2008-09-12 18:00:31 補充:
(Merriam - Webster字典)
grand finale
Function: noun
- a climactic finale (as of an opera)

grand finale
• n. the last part of a piece of music, a performance, or a public event, esp. when particularly dramatic or exciting: the festival ends with a grand finale.

2008-09-12 18:04:11 補充:
Eg. Joey sang many of her famous songs in the grand finale of the Beijing Olympics show.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-09-12 9:39 pm
壓軸表演 - usually means the last & the best show (of the night).
The greatest and final performance of the show.
參考: self
2008-09-12 6:08 pm
壓軸表演 :
The last but best of one series of performance by a star turn
參考: Myself
2008-09-12 6:06 pm

你好。 "壓軸表演 = The last show time", 謝謝。

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