what was urging the business group?

2008-09-12 3:09 pm
More specialist science teachers were needed, school buliding labs should be improved to make the subjects more attractive and careers advice must be upgraded with 120million pounds of new funding, urged the business group.

hi, the sentence was found in a newspaper.

I don't know "who" urge the business group ....

i think "urged the business group" is in active voice....

回答 (3)

2008-09-12 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
此句子中, 並無交代有無人 urge business group。其實以上一番的言論係個 business group 自己堅持要求要噤做, 係佢個 business group 自己 urged。 句子這部份只係倒轉寫, 睇下以下例子就明。
第10段 (約右邉大標題 Popular topics 側)
“It’s like when you stop going to the gym, you lose fitness,” said Riley Teeter of Teeter Hang Ups, which makes inversion products for commercial use, gyms, spas and medical lines designed for doctor’s offices.
文中, said Riley Teeter 其實係Riley Teeter said 倒轉咗, 一般係為咗遷就後面仲有個長嘅 relative clause (由 relative pronoun 為首的 clause), 等個 pronoun (這兒係 which) 可以直接連在 subject (Teeter Hang Ups) 的後面。


由於睇咗到你的原文, 唔知你的句子仲有無後半句呢? 不過就算無都可以噤調轉寫。

2008-09-12 15:22:27 補充:
SORRY!! 咗 -> 唔

由於睇 (唔) 到你的原文, ...
2008-09-13 12:38 am
"I'm fine." said May.
其實呢個係 direct speech 引述他人說話時o既倒裝句法,等於:
"I'm fine." May said.
但留意,如果唔係用人名而係 pronoun 就唔會倒裝,即係要寫:
"I'm fine." she said.
該 business group(由於唔知係集團定係一個小組,姑且不譯)敦促...
2008-09-12 3:30 pm
I don't know "who" urge the business group .... - agree

i think "urged the business group" is in active voice. – agree
In fact in this sentence the business group is the subject who urged all these educational improvements and funding.
參考: Myself

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