
2008-09-12 11:19 am

Dear sir,

Application for the Graphic Design curriculum.

I thought that this is a very rare opportunity to me when I knew have this cirriculum in my school.

If i can go study in your University successfully.I will improve my english ability after school.Not only English is the internation language.Also is a requirements of studying in University.

I hope that I can use my ability of degisn fully in furture when I was graducated.

I thought this curriculum can develop my creative concepts.And improve my shortcomings by absorbs other people's advantage.

Finall,I hope I can be one of your school and I will do my best!


回答 (4)

2008-09-12 1:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Admission Officer, (抬頭最好用收信人姓名, 如不知道本人姓名, 就用最接近本人職位的稱呼, 而如果還是不肯定, 就用 To Whom it may concern. 最好最好不用 Dear Sir 或 Dear Madam, 一來你不能肯定收信人的性別, 二來Sir和Madam過於簡單, 一般較嚴肅的信都不會用)

Re: Application for the Graphic Design Program (一般大學或學校可以選讀的課程的都稱作 program, 而 curriculum 主要用作為學校或教員安排教學的內容時所用, 如 curriculum planning。加 Re: 在頭主要是強調這封信是關於這一個題目的)

I have recently been made aware of the Graphic Design Program at your university from my current school, and I am very interested in applying for this program.

I strongly believe that your institute provides the best education and experience in the field of graphic design, and I will be able to further improve my creativity and ability to design through this program.

In additional to that, I am also interested to improve my English literacy skill and I am sure your institute has the most richest resources to provide to your students.

To be a graphic designer has been my life long career goal, and I firmly believe your institute has best curriculum and resources to help me reach this goal.

Thank you for considering my application to the Graphic Design Program. I am looking forward to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

你沒有包括太多你自己的經驗, 所以只能用較簡單的方式。可以的話, 不妨加一些你自己在設計的經驗, 和多說一些你未來的志願方向等, 我相信會有分加的。
2008-09-12 7:06 pm

因為英文溝通上(I mean all kinds of Communications)
有一樣野叫做 "YOU Approach'

亦都係影響 求職/學信 o既 Persuasiveness(說服力)

What is "YOU Approach'?
簡單講...就係 唔好每句用 I 開頭

咁樣...Reader 會好快對你o既信失去興趣
Think abt that...睇求職/學信 個一位...
How To attract him/her with a few hundred words?

再者, 內容上
As you mentioned, Eng. is a requirement of studying in University
But you said ' I will improve my english ability after school'

連接上o既意思即係...I have no confidence in my English level Or I am not able to reach the standard of your requirement, but I want to get a seat.

Show more YOUR Strength and hide your weaknesses
You are going to convince the prog. leader, not begging.

2008-09-12 11:13:36 補充:
hyperpork 個封真係改得好好
kitmate 都講得好岩...你宜家apply緊 Graphic Design
搞清楚...You are going to convince the prog. leader, not begging
Good Luck啦~~
參考: Ref. Book: Essential of Business Communication
2008-09-12 1:30 pm
一定要打多封信求學咩 ? 通常比入學申請就得架播。

你話就話要去讀 Graphic Design﹐但篇野就猛咁講話要學英文﹐我真有慘不忍睹既感覺。我就算本來要收你﹐但見到你篇本末倒至兼錯漏百出既信﹐我大可能改變初衷。

不如你寫過一篇啦﹐言詞不妨精簡 d 。拿﹐好似咁 :

Dear xxx,

I am very excited to learn about the Graphic Design Program in xxx University.

When I saw (xxxx老作一件名師設計xxxx) when I was XXX-years old, not only
was I deeply impress by it's (xxxx 老作件設計有咩好xxxx) but also helped
made up my mind of becoming a great graphic designer myself ever since.

Please find attached my application form, and a short portfolio including
some of my recent works and school projects.

Thank you very much for your kind consideration. I look forward to hearing
from you.

Respectfully Yours


如果真係要長篇大論﹐搵人幫你寫啦。 最緊要係﹐將你以前畫既畫﹐設計﹐映相呀咁﹐整個靚靚既 Portfolio 寄埋過去啦﹐咁至似番個有為青年架 ma !

2008-09-12 05:35:31 補充:
hyperpork 答得幾好喎﹐將我地兩個既答案合併﹐咁就掂晒啦。你真好彩﹐佢同我都
2008-09-12 11:56 am
Dear Sirs,

Application for the Graphic Design curriculum.

When I learned that a program of Graphic Design will be taken place in your university from my school, I would like to apply it. It is a very good opportunity for me to develop my career in graphic design field.

From this program I am sure that it helps to build up my creation concepts and enrich my design notions.

Besides, I want to improve my English ability as English is an international language and it is not only an essential requirement in the university and in the working world too.

I sincerely hope I would be accepted by your university. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

2008-09-12 03:57:11 補充:
I hope this helps

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