Biology Questions (10 marks)

2008-09-12 11:04 am
Suggest a word or phrase for the following Questions according to the instructions given. At the end of each isntructions, there will be a number with brackets whcih is used to indicate the number of letters for that answer. (10 marks)

1. Disease is usually caused by ___________ ( 5)
2. It is the basic unit of living things. (4)
3. It is a supplement, other than minerals which is necessary for our health. (7)
4. It is one kind of living creatures that can produce food by photosynthesis. (5)
5. Human beings, monkeys and whales are classified as this group. (6)
6. It is the device used in laboratory for us to magnify very tiny object. (10)
7. It is a commonly used glassware in laboratory. (8)
8. temperature (11)
9. Human beings contain 70% of this substance. (5)
10. It is the biggest group of creatures taht live in teh ocean. (4)
11. It is a test done in order to learn something or to discover whether something works or is true. (10)
12. It is the place where an organism lives. (7)
13. It is the fluid circulated around the body by the pumping action of the heart. (5)
14. The three common science subjects are Physics, Chemistry and ___________. (7)
15. It is one of the equiments used in the laboratory to heating materials. (12)
16. It is a simple container for stirring, mixing and heating liquids commonly used in many experiments. (6)

10 marks

回答 (3)

2008-09-12 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. virus
2. cell
3. vitamin
4. plant
5. mammal
6. microscope
7. test tube
8. thermometer
9. water
10. fish
11. experiment
12. habitat
13. blood
14. Biology
15. Bunsen burner
16. beaker
參考: ME
2008-09-12 8:31 pm

1. Disease is usually caused by ___________ (germs/virus: 5)

2. It is the basic unit of living things. (cell: 4)

3. It is a supplement, other than minerals which is necessary for our health. (vitamin: 7)

4. It is one kind of living creatures that can produce food by photosynthesis. (plant: 5)

5. Human beings, monkeys and whales are classified as this group. (mammal: 6)

6. It is the device used in laboratory for us to magnify very tiny object. (microscope: 10)

7. It is a commonly used glassware in laboratory. (test tube: 8)

8. temperature (thermometer: 11)

9. Human beings contain 70% of this substance. (water: 5)

10. It is the biggest group of creatures that live in the ocean. (fish: 4)

11. It is a test done in order to learn something or to discover whether something works or is true. (experiment: 10)

12. It is the place where an organism lives. (habitat: 7)

13. It is the fluid circulated around the body by the pumping action of the heart. (blood: 5)

14. The three common science subjects are Physics, Chemistry and ___________. (Biology: 7)

15. It is one of the equiments used in the laboratory to heating materials. (Bunsen burner: 12)

16. It is a simple container for stirring, mixing and heating liquids commonly used in many experiments. (beaker: 6)
2008-09-12 12:04 pm
1. Disease is usually caused by __bacteria_________ ( 5)
2. It is the basic unit of living things. (4)
3. It is a supplement, other than minerals which is necessary for our health. (7)
4. It is one kind of living creatures that can produce food by photosynthesis. (5) water
5. Human beings, monkeys and whales are classified as this group. (6)
6. It is the device used in laboratory for us to magnify very tiny object. (10)
7. It is a commonly used glassware in laboratory. (8)
8. temperature (11)
9. Human beings contain 70% of this substance. (5)
10. It is the biggest group of creatures taht live in teh ocean. (4)
11. It is a test done in order to learn something or to discover whether something works or is true. (10)
12. It is the place where an organism lives. (7)
13. It is the fluid circulated around the body by the pumping action of the heart. (5)
14. The three common science subjects are Physics, Chemistry and _Biology__________. (7)
15. It is one of the equiments used in the laboratory to heating materials. GAS(12)
16. It is a simple container for stirring, mixing and heating liquids commonly used in many experiments. (6)

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