
2008-09-12 9:33 am
如果想約人問"你幾點方便呀", 應點講呢

回答 (4)

2008-09-12 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果想約人問"你幾點方便呀", 應點講呢
1) What is the most convenient time for you?

2) What is the suitable time to meet?
3) What time do you think is the best?
參考: self
2008-09-12 9:39 am
when will u be free?????
can u tell me when u r free please.
2008-09-12 7:27 pm
What time will be convenient for you?
2008-09-12 10:09 am
1. What is the best time for you?

2. When will you be available?

3. What time will you be free?

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