
2008-09-12 8:04 am
我想寫個 summary 係本 ablum 個 index , 我吾知係下面D 字要吾吾執執 , 自己英文又吾係好... 個 website only support 英文... Please help !!

History ...
2005 August - 1st meeting in our office .
2005 September - 1st dinner with her in Tuen Mun
2005 October - 1st time birthday celebrate in TST
2005 Christmas Eve - We fall in Love .....
2006 May - 1st short trip to Kota Kinabalu, Malayasia.
2006 October - 1st time birthday celebrate with Her @ R66
2007 April - 1st long trip to France & Italy
2007 October - 2nd time birthday celebrate with Sin Yi ...

"" 希望我地可以 forever 啦.... ( 呢句吾知點用英文寫好 ??)

回答 (5)

2008-09-12 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Romance Summary between XXX and XXX
2005 August - 1st encounter in office .
2005 September - 1st dinner in Tuen Mun
2005 October - 1st year birthday celebration in TST
2005 Christmas Eve - Falling in love....
2006 May - 1st romance trip to Kota Kinabalu, Malayasia.
2006 October - 2nd year birthday celebration in @ R66
2007 April -1st sweet trip to France & Italy
2007 October - 3rd year birthday celebration in XXX

2008-09-12 11:54:18 補充:
偶遇唔好用 "meeting" 咁嚴肅啦!
encounter - 邂逅

2008-09-12 12:00:30 補充:
希望我地可以 forever 啦

Our romance shall last forever and ever.....

(語氣肯定D, 所以唔用"希望"兩個字!)
2008-09-19 6:21 am
既然寫得We fall in love ,在其他月份就不應寫Sin Yi啊

另will be long and ever-lasting可用ever-lasting 代替
2008-09-15 10:06 pm

encounter - 邂逅
2008-09-12 8:06 pm
So sweet of you! Hope the below helps la...

Our Love
2005 August - 1st encounter in our office
2005 September - 1st dinner date in Tuen Mun
2005 October - 1st birthday celebration in TST
2005 Christmas Eve - We fall in Love .....
2006 May - 1st short trip to Kota Kinabalu, Malayasia
2006 October - Birthday celebration at R66, Wanchai
2007 April - 1st long trip to France & Italy
2007 October - Birthday celebration in xxx

Hope our love will be long and ever-lasting!!! ^o^
2008-09-12 5:29 pm
Our History ...
2005 August - 1st meeting in the office .
2005 September - 1st dinner with her in Tuen Mun
2005 October - 1st (no time) birthday celebration for me in TST
2005 Christmas Eve - We Fall in Love !!!!!
2006 May - 1st (no short) trip to Kota Kinabalu, Malayasia – Sweet Sweet
2006 October - 1st (no time) birthday celebration with Sin Yi @ R66
2007 April - 1st (no long) trip to France & Italy – Wonderful !!
2007 October - 2nd (no time) birthday celebration with Sin Yi ...
Wish we can be as happy as now forever !!!!!
參考: Myself

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