How to get him to show more affection?

2008-09-12 12:31 am
me and my boyfriend have been together now for going on a year now and it seems like he has trouble showing affection like he never hugs me or anything but when i confront him about it hes like why do u think the worst of things i love u don't u know that and then we just go on about things like the conversation never happened anyone have any advice to help me out please i really love him i just want him to be more open with me

回答 (8)

2008-09-12 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Just insult his manhood and guilt trip him into it or ask him to be more affectionate or you will dump him.
2008-09-12 7:38 am
If it is not part of his physical need, or he is still reserved about showing his affection, than that is the way he is. Leave him alone. Some people are physical, and some are intellectual, such as you do not feel him pressing on you, so you do not believe he is into you, when, in fact, he is.

I'm sure he can tell you things about yourself you don't know because he absorbs you rather than fondling you.
2008-09-12 7:47 am
Thats a hard one to be honest with you because I'm going through the same thing with my boyfriend and you know what i've considered is that as much as I love him maybe we are that different and I am looking for someone to show me affection and he is just not it. I know it is hard to do and the last thing i'm telling you is to break up with your man I just want you to know that something like this will just keep hurting you and it will end up putting doubts in your mind and then you will eventually lose trust and you will live at a constant worry that he is cheating on you or his affection is going to someone else. I just want to help you before you breakdown and before you reach that point I would really talk to him and if at that time he doesn't want to listen or he gets mad and defensive then to save yourself you should consider moving on. I wish you a lot of luck and my heart goes out to you.
2008-09-12 7:39 am
well theres a few different angles you can come from..
-you can be the one to show him all the affection. not necessarily smother him just give him plenty of attention.
-you could cofront him playfully..""hun i show more love than you do! ;)..
-or take it seriously and ask him why it feels like you give him more affection than he ever gives to you..

any of these things could work ya never know..
2008-09-12 7:37 am
hug him and say i love you with all your heart. then say what you love about him, like how he smiles or something. but don't ask what he loves about you. i think he just needs to know how much you love him. because boys are stupid like that.
2008-09-12 7:37 am
Being open and being affectionate are 2 different things...

Men aren't emotional creatures. To get my husband to show emotion is like pulling teeth! lol

They grow so comfortable in the relationship, they no longer feel they have to 'win you over' because, duh, they have you already...

Just sit and talk to your man, in love, devotion and honesty... you can make your own choices from there.
2008-09-12 7:37 am
i would recommend you read this book:

how to make a man fall in love with you.

it gives good advice on identifying the right man and how to keep it and make the relationship work. it's very easy to read even just for fun.

good luck.
2008-09-12 7:36 am
If you dont feel like he is showing any effection, 1)talk to him about it, 2) tell him that yuh kno he luv's yuh but it doesnt seem like it because he isnt showing effection, 3) tell him that yuh love him, 4) ask him if he feels a connection, and then see wat happens
參考: mee

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