what are the two smallest prime numbers between 20 to 30?

2008-09-11 12:51 pm

回答 (6)

2008-09-11 12:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Prime nos. between 20 and 30:
= 23, 29

Answer: 23 & 29 for in fact there are only two and could also be considered the largest prime numbers within 20—30 range.
2008-09-12 3:55 pm
23 and 29
2008-09-11 8:11 pm
23 and 29...
2008-09-11 8:00 pm
2008-09-11 7:58 pm
The two smallest prime numbers between 20 to 30 are:
23, 29
2008-09-11 7:57 pm
23 and 29

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