S.2 Maths question

2008-09-12 5:40 am

1.A car park charges $50 for the first 2 hours and $10 for the each additional hour.
(a) What is the average parking rate in $/h if the car is parked for 3 hours?

(b) Find the number of parking hours if the average parking rate is $16/h.

回答 (3)

2008-09-12 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.A car park charges $50 for the first 2 hours and $10 for the each additional hour.
(a) What is the average parking rate in $/h if the car is parked for 3 hours?
first 2 hours needs $50
the third hour needs $10
total amount of money=$60
average parking rate for 3 hours

(b) Find the number of parking hours if the average parking rate is $16/h.
let h be the total number of parking hours

for the first 2 hours always needs $50
then the additional hours=(h-2) , so
[50+ (h-2)*10]/h=16
50+ (h-2)*10=16h
50+ 10h-20=16h
2008-09-12 6:27 am
a. The average parking rate for the car in 3 hrs:

Ans: The average parking rate for the car in 3 hrs is $20/hr.

b. Let the additional parking hours be x hr.
15x = 18
x = 1.2

Therefore number of parking hours = (2+1.2)=3.2hrs
參考: 自己
2008-09-12 5:51 am
(a) (50+10)/3 = $20/hr

(b) Let x be the addiction hour
(50+x)/(2+x) = 16
50+x = 32+16x
15x = 18
x = 1.2
Therefore, no. of parking hours = (2+1.2)= 3.2 Hours

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