英文Formation of Nouns(2)

2008-09-12 4:48 am
例:The audience showed their __________ by standing up and clapping.
  (1)appreciate      (2)appreciative
  (3)appreciation      (4)appreciatively

1.You can show a driving licence to prove your__________.
  (1)identify       (2)identifiable
  (3)identified       (4)identity

2.We need a __________ to help us understand this letter.It's written in
  (1)translate       (2)translating
  (3)translated       (4)translator

3.Sonia is very concerned about her __________ . She's always looking in
the mirror.
  (1)appear        (2)appearing
  (3)appearance       (4)appeared

4.The Japanese warriors showed exceptional __________ .
  (1)brave         (2)braving
  (3)braved        (4)bravery

5.How did the universe come into __________ ?
  (1)exist         (2)existence
  (3)existing        (4)existed

6.The teacher gave the pupils some helpful __________ of their work .
  (1)critical        (2)critic
  (3)criticize        (4)criticism

7.Congratulations Jo , you have made a big __________ in your writing
this year .
  (1)improve       (2)improving
  (3)improved       (4)improvement

8.The United Nations is an international __________ .
  (1)organize       (2)organization
  (3)organizer       (4)organized

回答 (3)

2008-09-12 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.You can show a driving licence to prove your__________.

2.We need a __________ to help us understand this letter.It's written in

3.Sonia is very concerned about her __________ . She's always looking in
the mirror.

4.The Japanese warriors showed exceptional __________ .

5.How did the universe come into __________ ?

6.The teacher gave the pupils some helpful __________ of their work .

7.Congratulations Jo , you have made a big __________ in your writing
this year .

8.The United Nations is an international __________ .
2008-09-12 10:46 pm
1.You can show a driving licence to prove your__________.

2.We need a __________ to help us understand this letter.It's written in

3.Sonia is very concerned about her __________ . She's always looking in
the mirror.

4.The Japanese warriors showed exceptional __________ .

5.How did the universe come into __________ ?

6.The teacher gave the pupils some helpful __________ of their work .

7.Congratulations Jo , you have made a big __________ in your writing
this year .

8.The United Nations is an international __________ .
參考: me
2008-09-12 5:23 am

1. 問題: 你可以出示駕駛執照來証明你的 ___________
答案: 應是 (4) identity - 身份, 而並不是 (3) identified, 因為identified 是 identify 的過去式, 屬於動詞, 或又可作為形容詞來形容一件或一些事物已被証明的意思。

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