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在英語學習的過程中, 的確許多時候會有錯誤運用。例如你所提供的例句, 我建議可以改一改。
Present tense
She is eating and drinking. (可能係回應 "What is she doing now?"問題的回答。)
其實, 一個 and 字已經包含著 eat 和 drink 兩個動作一齊做的意思, 再用 at the same time 就會重複同一個意思, 所以係不必要的。
致於形容做緊某件事, 而你係當場指出這情境 (並不是複述"Reported speech" 的話), 就要用 Present continuous tense。
Past continuous tense
She was eating and drinking when I saw her yesterday.
如果係複述一件過去咗的事, 而件事係牽渉「進行緊」的動作 (verb: eat 和 drink), 要用 Past continuous tense。
由於有關情況可以係多不勝數, 所以我只能舉出幾個例子, 希望見諒!
A. Past tense 和 Present perfect 的分別
何時用present perfect tense? 何時用simple past tense?
I have seen three movies this week. (這星期還未過去)
I saw three movies last week. (上星期已經過去)
Martin has crashed his car again. (這是最近/ 最新的資料)
Martin crashed his car last year. (重提舊事, 這是上年的舊料)
I have seen that movie. (我唔記得幾時睇, 只記得係睇過)
I saw that movie on Thursday. (明確記得幾時睇)
I have lived in Victoria for 5 years. (我現在仍然住在Victoria)
I lived in Victoria for 5 years. (我現在已經不再住在Victoria)
B1. No noun e.g. comment/ question (No 之後的 noun 應否加s)
讓我引述 Icarus ( 知識長 ) 和 tintin852 ( 碩士級 1 級 )的解答:
B2. 以下情況的 verb-to-be 應否加s
直接跟佢前面的 plural noun, 定係睇句子第一個字 (singular pronoun) 呢? 例: "each," "everyone," "everybody," "anyone," "anybody," "someone," and "somebody".
Each of the girls sings well.
Every one of the cakes is gone.
2008-09-11 23:06:45 補充:
C. When to use to-infinitive and when to use gerund (verb in -ing form)?
2008-09-11 23:07:03 補充:
D. Due to 和 Because of 意思一樣, 但用法不同
http://www.webgrammar.com/commonmistakes.html (中間數落第四段)
2008-09-11 23:07:13 補充:
"Due to" 係用作修飾nouns 而一般用於verb to be 的後面 (is, are, was, were, etc.).
e.g. Jan's success is due to talent and spunk ("due to" modifies "success").
"Because of" 係用作修飾verbs.
e.g. Ted resigned because of poor health ("because of" modifies "resigned").
2008-09-11 23:16:39 補充:
E1. Everyday (1 word) = adjective 但係 every day (two words) = adverb.
E2. #8 錯誤用Lay 當作 lie
2008-09-11 23:17:08 補充:
[WRONG] I got dizzy and had to lay down. (lay係指「將某物件放低」, 但形容「自己躺下」, 應用lie)
[RIGHT] I got dizzy and had to lie down.
[RIGHT] Just lay those books over there.
2008-09-11 23:22:36 補充:
補充 B2: 參考資料係位於網址內的 Rule 13
2008-09-12 00:40:17 補充:
F. Mistakes in using prepositions
F1. Using prepositions where not required.
WRONG: Please don't make me to do it.
CORRECT: Please don't make me do it.
WRONG: Let's go for shopping.
CORRECT: Let's go shopping.
2008-09-12 00:41:27 補充:
F2. Omitting prepositions where they are required.
WRONG: Please convey her my condolences.
CORRECT: Please convey my condolences to her.
WRONG: Can you drop me at Pizza Hut?
CORRECT: Can you drop me off at Pizza Hut?
2008-09-12 00:50:04 補充:
F3. 其他prepositions 錯誤運用的例子
WRONG: I have been working in this company since three years.
CORRECT: I have been working in this company for three years.
CORRECT: I have been working in this company since 2004.
2008-09-12 00:50:11 補充:
當'since' 用作一個 time preposition, 佢係要有一個指定的時間點 (eg: since 1995, since last Christmas, since yesterday) 一齊使用或者要有一個已過去的時段 (time period eg: since childhood, since the probation period) 作指標。
2008-09-12 01:46:39 補充:
F4. made of, made from
The bottle is made of plastic. 那個樽是塑膠裝的。
The wine is made from grapes. 這酒是用葡萄釀製的。
made from 跟 made of 的分別係: made from 後面的東西/材料 係原材料, 佢仲要經過生產或製錬過程才會變成最後的製成品。
F5. Cut it on/ by some glass
2008-09-12 09:12:15 補充:
有個專題講及「華人學生常犯錯誤」, 可能對你有用