
2008-09-11 7:16 pm
想要封英文信, 內容係要求學還手提電話,我想咁寫:

"小女於上星期給老師沒收手提電話, 因她28/8 當天請假, 所以不知道回到學校要把電話托管於大門口, 而把電話帶到課室, 我會提醒她以後遵守不要把電話帶到課室, 請老師把電話發還給她, 謝謝"

回答 (3)

2008-09-11 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My daughter’s mobile phone has been confiscated by the teacher last week. Please note that since she was absent on August 28, she did not know the rule that all mobile phones should be entrusted in the school entrance. Instead she brought the mobile phone into the classroom.
I will surely remind her that in the future she should not bring the mobile phone to the classroom. Please kindly return the mobile phone to her.
Thank you.
參考: Myself
2008-09-11 8:17 pm
11 September 2008

((School Name))
((School Address))

Attention: ((Teacher's Name))

Dear Sirs,

Re: Requisition of Mobile Phone of ((Your daugther's name)) in ((Class))

I am writing to request for returning the mobile phone of my daugther, ((Your daugther's name)) in ((Class)).

Due to her absent on 28 August 2008, please note that she was not informed that a new rule related to all mobile phones should be in charge in the main entrance. I am sure she will follow this new rule from School immediately.

Kindly return this ((Brand name & model)) as soon as you can for our ease of contact with her.

Should you require any further information, please feel free to contact the undersigned at ((Your contact)).

Yours Sincerely,

Mr & Mrs Ming66cheng
2008-09-11 7:44 pm
(學校最怕收家長信, 就算英文學校寫中文信亦可! 唔一定用英文!)
Dear Principal,
Re: XXX (Name) XXX (Class)
Forfeiture of mobile phone
I refer to the captioned matter.
The mobile phone of my daughter was forfeited by the teacher last week. Reason being that she took a leave on 28 August and was not informed of the new rule requesting students to keep the mobile phone somewhere at the school main entrance before entering classroom. She carried the mobile phone into the classroom that it was forfeited.
I will remind her never do it again in the hope that the mobile phone can be dispensed to her. I would be much obliged if you can consider my case.
Should you want to further understand the case, please contact me at phone number XXXX XXXX.
Thank you for your kind assistance!
Yours faithfully,
(Father/Mother of XXX)
c.c. XXX (Name of the teacher)

2008-09-11 11:50:32 補充:
信通常俾校長, 副本轉交有關老師, 校方要息事寧人, 老師一定要OK! (層壓手法)

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