how will you translate ”to some degree”

2008-09-11 1:56 pm
If people want to dampen down these cycles and to ensure banks are less likely to violently react in a downturn, to some degree they will have to accept there will be less on the upturn as well

hi, the sentence above was found in a newspaper

what is the meaning of "to some degree" ?

回答 (3)

2008-09-11 4:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"to some degree" = 在某程度上
If people want to dampen down these cycles and to ensure banks are less likely to violently react in a downturn, to some degree they will have to accept there will be less on the upturn as well
如果人們希望減慢那些週期, 及確保銀行界在經濟轉壞時不會劇烈 / 過份反應, 那麼在某程度上, 他們亦需要接受在經濟轉好時, 得益會減少.

2008-09-12 10:29:47 補充:
註: 不是用白痴翻譯軟件譯嘅
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-09-20 3:09 pm
'to some degree' in the context of the above paragraph should be translated to 到若干程度.
'to some degree they will have to accept'.....意即他們將要接受到若干程度.....。
2008-09-11 3:03 pm
to some degree = 有些情況下

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