英文Formation of Nouns

2008-09-11 5:01 am
例:The audience showed their __________ by standing up and clapping.
  (1)appreciate      (2)appreciative
  (3)appreciation      (4)appreciatively

1.Julie has always been interested in __________.
  (1)photograph      (2)photographic
  (3)photography (4)photographer

2.When he heard the news he was overcome with __________.
  (1)sadness       (2)sad
  (3)pianoforte      (4)sadden

3.George is a veay gifted __________.
  (1)piano        (2)pianist
  (3)pianoforte      (4)pianissimo

4.The lnternet is a wonderful source of __________.
  (1)inform       (2)informative
  (3)informatively     (4)information

5.Your passport shows your __________.
  (1)nation        (2)national
  (3)nationality      (4)nationalist

6.What forms of __________ do you enjoy?
  (1)entertains      (2)entertain
  (3)entertainment     (4)entertainingly

7.In many cultures,people nod to show __________.
  (1)agree        (2)agreeing
  (3)agreement      (4)agreed

8.A person of his __________ will get a job easily.
  (1)able        (2)unable
  (3)ableness       (4)ability

回答 (2)

2008-09-11 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Julie has always been interested in __________.
  (1)photograph (2)photographic
  (3)photography (4)photographer
答案 : (3)

2.When he heard the news he was overcome with __________.
  (1)sadness       (2)sad
  (3)pianoforte      (4)sadden
答案 : (1)

3.George is a very gifted __________.
  (1)piano       (2)pianist
  (3)pianoforte      (4)pianissimo
答案 : (2)

4.The lnternet is a wonderful source of __________.
  (1)inform       (2)informative
  (3)informatively     (4)information
答案 : (4)

5.Your passport shows your __________.
  (1)nation       (2)national
  (3)nationality      (4)nationalist
答案 : (3)

6.What forms of __________ do you enjoy?
  (1)entertains      (2)entertain
  (3)entertainment     (4)entertainingly
答案 : (3)

7.In many cultures, people nod to show __________.
  (1)agree        (2)agreeing
  (3)agreement      (4)agreed
答案 : (3)

8.A person of his __________ will get a job easily.
  (1)able        (2)unable
  (3)ableness       (4)ability
答案 : (4)
參考: ^.^ Enjoy
2008-09-11 5:23 am
1. 答案 (3)
2. " " (1)
3. " " (2)
4. " " (4)
5. " " (3)
6. " " (3)
7. " " (3)
8. " " (4)

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