simple english.......

2008-09-10 10:36 pm

"根據我地公司既政策, 我地最快都要下個月1號先找到數比你"


回答 (6)

2008-09-10 11:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
根據我地公司既政策, 我地最快都要下個月1號先找到數比你"

To comply with our payment practice, the earliest date for settlement can only be arranged on the first day of next month.

2008-09-10 15:47:08 補充:
Thank you for your kind attention!

2008-09-10 17:51:27 補充:
公司既政策 - 找數邊有公司政策可言吖? 頂多係叫找數慣例(payment practice), 用嚟封住對方追即找。大部份公司通常係俾錢慢吞吞, 可以拖耐啲就耐啲, 最好對方"執埋"唔駛找!
2009-02-26 2:53 am
或你公司以後有大生意.想知道對方公司有冇問題.可以e-mail 給我
e-mail [email protected]
2008-09-11 10:32 am
hi, u can write/say ...
According to our company,s policy, the payment will be settled on 1 October 2008.
or ....
According to our company,s policy, the payment will be transferred to your bank account (Account No. XXXXX) on 1 October 2008.
or .....
According to our company,s policy, the payment will be sent out by mail on 1 October 2008, probably you will receive it within 3-4 days.
hope it can help.
參考: living in USA
2008-09-10 11:04 pm
According to our company policy, the earliest payment will be in 1st of next month. Thank you!
參考: me
2008-09-10 10:58 pm
According to our company policy, the earliest payment will be in 1st of next month.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
2008-09-10 10:49 pm
According to our company's policy, we cannot pay for you untill the 1st of next month.

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