
2008-09-10 9:35 pm
中學既時候係田徑隊隊員 ... 不過多年冇運動
而家最近做 gym,一個星期做四日
個跑步機 display board 左一次大約消耗 1200 卡路里 ...
點解跑完後會有 d 頭痛?

我想減多 d 磅 ..... 其實我仲想跑步之後再上健康舞班 ....

我唔要廣告 否則檢舉


重申一次我唔要廣告 我就係想要肌肉 唔好俾廢答案我

回答 (1)

2008-09-11 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
而家最近做 gym,一個星期做四日
個跑步機 display board 左一次大約消耗 1200 卡路里 ...
Yes, even many marthon runers have their easy day; you didn't exercise for awhile, should take it easy, your body needs time to rest, try to schedule your run every other day, and some easy days too, each week shouldn't increase the intensity more than 10%, otherwise you may hurt yourself.

點解跑完後會有 d 頭痛?
Your heart and lung still not get used to the running, your body is dehydrated or not enough energy; never run on empty stomach, also should eat some carb. after your run (mostly half an hour later), fuel your body from the food, not from your own muscle.

我想減多 d 磅 ..... 其實我仲想跑步之後再上健康舞班 ..
I will suggest you join the健康舞班 on the other day, not on your running day, it maybe too much for the body to adjust.

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