
2008-09-10 3:30 pm



回答 (6)

2008-09-10 8:52 pm
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在字典中 Right of Way 確有“路”“徑”的意思,在 Random House Dictionary 中所列舉的意思包括:

a path or route that may lawfully be used

a right of passage, as over another's land

the strip of land acquired for use by a railroad for tracks



Right of Way 的另一個解釋是讓路。在駕駛規則上,意思是對方(右方的車輛或船)有優先使用道路的權利,左面的駕駛者必須讓路。

此外,較常使用的字眼是 Hallway and Public Access:


Public Access:指一個共用的空間,可以是一個路段或是一個設施(如涼亭)

2008-09-13 4:55 am
"Right of way" is a legal term specifically used in Land or Real Property Law. It is one form of easement of land. There are at least two parties to an easement: the land burdened and the land benefitted. Easement can briefly be described as "easiness/convenience for the use by others".
"Right of way" means "the right of making one's way through". A "Public right of way" means so long as one remains as a member of the public, one can freely make one's way through that specific strip of private land without fear of being prosecuted as a trespasser by the registered owner of that private land.
In this case the 私人屋苑 is the land burdened. The land benefitted from this public right of way, probably one of the 私人屋苑's adjoining land, may have no other way to access to open roads/facilities except via this public right of way.
The English wordings "Public Right of Way" succinctly states that any member of the public has the right and can make its way through the 私人屋苑 to the land benefitted. I do not think that there are anything wrong with the English wordings.
If there were nothing wrong with the English wordings, then I would say that the Chinese translation is a faithful translation of its English counterparts. I could not think of anything better.
參考: 自分の考えたもの
2008-09-10 7:57 pm
可通的。"right of way" 亦是法律用詞,通常是指該通道是私人的,但公眾是有使用權。
2008-09-10 5:57 pm
以上路牌掛於一私人屋苑的出入通道, 其實係掛錯地方啫, 掛響:
中環長江集團中心公眾使用大廈停車場內一條可通往花旗銀行廣場的「 非專用車輛通道 」內, 即解得通!
屢次被揭違反地契、霸佔公地的中環長江集團中心, 昨再被踢爆自設閘機, 限制公眾使用大廈停車場內一條可通往花旗銀行廣場的「 非專用車輛通道 」。地政總署表示, 根據地契, 長江中心須開放該項公眾設施給市民使用。 但記者昨到場視察,管理人員指通道只供在停車場泊車的駕駛人士使用。有工程師和區議員要求長江中心拆走車閘,還路於民。

2008-09-14 10:36:49 補充:
My answer is just for fun only....don't believe it.
2008-09-10 5:03 pm
路牌的意思應是 the public has the right of way了。如果如此,就是公眾會有使用該通道的優先權。但這不是原意吧!
但如果路牌是指,該通道可供公眾使用的話,我以為用 Public
thoroughfare 會較好!本來 thoroughfare 已是公眾通道之意,加上
2008-09-10 5:02 pm
The Chinese version is acceptable. If possible should change to :
The English version is totally wrong ! It should be changed to :
Pathway for public use
參考: Myself

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