有人可以翻譯嗎 ? Thick is not equal to good........

2008-09-10 9:31 am

Ask ken to watch out. Thick is not equal to good. Level of audience is relatively primitive.

可有詳細或所有的翻譯/解釋嗎 ?


回答 (4)

2008-09-10 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
叫 "阿ken"小心, 多唔等於好, 觀眾層面一般比較簡單的!
由於沒有上文下理, 有可能解錯, 莫怪!
(我想這句是勸告, 不含褒貶意義)
ken- 除是人名, (noun)亦可解作 :
1. 視野,眼界
2. 知識範圍;理解範圍
beyond the ken of man


2008-09-11 09:14:09 補充:
叫阿ken小心, 你和他有交情不等於他工作能力好. 像聽眾的程度(太沉默), 這樣的思想太守舊了.

我想在沒有上文下理之支持, 單以字面作譯, 根本沒法譯出樓主所想的意思!

Thick is not equal to good 肯定純字譯唔出 "你和他有交情不等於他工作能力好"

Level of audience is relatively primitive. 點譯到 "像聽眾的程度(太沉默), 這樣的思想太守舊了."???
2008-09-11 5:52 pm
可能我想得太多... thanks !!!
2008-09-10 6:57 pm
Ask ken to watch out. Thick is not equal to good. Level of audience is relatively primitive.
This is an advice to Ken that thickness doesn't mean good. The standard of people's justice may not be right.
請阿ken留意一下, 不要只要求厚度. 一般人的眼光都是很平凡的.
這裡的Thick - (不知你指什麼?) it can be anythiing, such as a book, a very thick steak etc.
參考: Own
2008-09-10 10:09 am

叫ken留意點, 眼前的東西並不一定與表面上所見一樣, 大眾一般見解都只是表面化, 粗略的.....

無前因後義, 實好難準確地講解呢兩句既意思呢.

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