whats 10 percent greater than 14?

2008-09-10 7:12 am

回答 (10)

2008-09-10 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
10 % of 14 is 1.4
so add 1.4 to 14= 15. 4
2008-09-10 5:20 pm
14 x (1 + 10%)
= 14 x 110/100
= 14 x 11/10
= 154/10
= 15.4
2008-09-10 2:22 pm
2008-09-10 2:17 pm
10% greater than 14?

= 10%*14 + 14
= 1.4 + 14
= 15.4
2008-09-10 2:17 pm
2008-09-10 2:16 pm
It is 14*1.1 = 15.4
(10% of 14 is 1.4, so it is grater for 1.4 from 14 - and that is 15.4)
I hope that you understand this and good luck!
2008-09-10 2:15 pm
14 x 1.10 = 15.4
You have a computer in front of you, it has a calculator function built in.
Thanks for the points anyway.
2008-09-10 2:15 pm

because 1.10 x 14 = 15.4

you times it by 1.10 because 0.10 is ten percent of 14 and the 1 just adds the fourteen for you i.e it's quicker this way :D
2008-09-10 2:15 pm
10% of 14 = 1.4
14 + 1.4 = 15.4

Answer: 15.4
2008-09-10 2:15 pm

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