ENG. Newspaper

2008-09-10 7:54 am
60 pc of young polled expect contenders to be independent

About 60 per cent of young people said they expected candidates not to belong to any party, a survey has found.
Half of the respondents to the survey-aged 15 to 25- also said a candidate's efforts to advance democracy were amnong the top three qualities they would consider when deciding whom to vote for

我知係想問頭1句~ polled 的中文係咩?

回答 (1)

2008-09-19 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 已投了票的
2 60 pc of young polled expect contenders to be independent
六成已投了票的年輕選民都希望候選人都是獨立的, 無黨的.

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