
2008-09-10 4:25 am
我既想法同妳一樣← 哩句英文點寫呀???

回答 (12)

2008-09-10 4:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
我既想法同妳一樣←we have the same opinion.
2008-09-14 4:46 am
We have the same idea (主意;打算;構想;見解;信念)
We ahve the same opinion (意見,見解;主張)
We have the same notion (概念;想法;見解)
We have the same theory (學說;理論;學理)
We have the same thoughts (想法;見解)

May be (we have the same thoughts) is the best for you...

2008-09-13 20:49:14 補充:
My thinking same as you... 錯錯錯錯錯錯, 唔好咁用.
2008-09-14 4:41 am
i'm agree 係錯, 唔好咁用.
i agree 就啱
2008-09-14 4:38 am
My thinking same as you.
2008-09-14 4:35 am
1) I agree with you
2) We have the same opinion
3) My opinion is the same as yours.
4) I agree with you
參考: My knowledge
2008-09-10 2:51 pm
I agree with you

I'm agree with you=I am agree with you X

we have the same opinion.
^_^ but opinion is 意見
2008-09-10 5:32 am
我岩岩學左 I agree with you
2008-09-10 5:01 am
I'm agree with you
參考: me
2008-09-10 4:51 am
其實你講 i agree with you就可以了。
參考: 識中文的外國人
2008-09-10 4:35 am
你可以講: I'm agree with you too.或者 I think so或者I take your view.都得....不過最多人講的就是 I think so ......你鐘意啦~^^
2008-09-10 4:32 am
I agree with your opinion.

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