
2008-09-10 1:09 am
「人流」(人工流產)係中国人(しなじん)的常用詞匯,在中国人的日常交談中,「人流」普遍使用,孩子也在孩提時代知悉「人流」,覺得「人流」只不過是一種選擇而已,絕不覺得摧毀生命係犯罪。但在米国,共和党的主降二零零八副總統候選人莎拉.佩林(Sarah Palin)在阿拉斯加州長任期中,於主降二零零八年四月十八日誕下被檢出患有唐氏綜合症(trisomy 21),會導致學習障礙、智能障礙的么子。她聲稱冇「人流」而產子因為她信仰耶穌基督,尊重生命,不能因唐氏綜合症而把人的生命「人流」。

她宣佈做麥凱恩(John McCain)副手的同時,也宣佈她十七歲的女兒布莉絲托(Bristol Palin)未婚先孕,並決定將嬰兒誕下。


回答 (4)

2008-09-11 12:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You brought up a very good question here. Loss of life either through abortion or through death execution is a loss of life by definition. The reason for Chinese government to promote abortion is to control its population. From human's point of view, it serves a pratical purpose. From religious point of view, it is another matter, which I do not want to discuss here.
As to the United States, population growth has never been a problem. Its housing and food supply have never been a problem neither. American calls itself a religious nation. Yet the majority of its Democratic politicians support abortion. To one's greater surprise, most of the Democratic Congresspersons and senates are Catholics. While they are strong abortion supporters, at the same time, they all oppose death penalty to those murders, rapists, ... hard criminals. I hope you would have a better picture about the life issue in the "GREAT AMERICA". The bottom is "America is not that great as one might think.".
2008-09-10 2:36 am
2008-09-10 1:42 am


當時日本都已經用到神風隊, 有去冇回. 大家都知已經就快尾聲.

你話炸一隻廣島都話情有可原. 等日本知到利害. 快D投降啫.

長崎果隻點重邊有理由去炸丫? 前後都冇两日. 就去炸埋長崎.

就算展示威力, 都可以炸落海, 當時係人見到都知冇得揮啦!

為左試爆, 唔理幾十萬人的生命, 重講尊重生命? 痴線!

2008-09-09 17:49:40 補充:
重有呀! 軍隊打軍隊, 食得咸魚抵得渴. 好公道.

而家廣島, 長崎果D係平民咋! 一次過四十五萬平民死咗呀!...美國係痴線架!
2008-09-10 1:23 am

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