我想問d英文 快d plz

2008-09-10 12:04 am
我想問  build and repair things take care of people,s teeth
explore space desigh new styles of clothes think up new things
fly planes 同理 make films 中文 係咩呀

回答 (5)

2008-09-10 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
build and repair things 建造和維修東西
take care of people's teeth 照顧人們的牙齒
explore space 太空探測
design new styles of clothes 設計新款衣服
think up new things 想出一些新的東西
fly planes 駕駛飛機
make films 電影製作
2008-09-14 12:31 am
Build and repair things:建造,維修
take care of people,s teeth: 檢查牙齒
explore :發掘
space :太空
new styles of clothes :潮流衣物
think up new things:有新思維
fly planes :This word does not make sense,so it can't be explained.
make films :製電影
參考: Myself
2008-09-14 12:17 am
build and repair things 興建和維修東西

take care of people's teeth 保護病人的牙齒

explore space 開發太空資源

design new styles of clothes 設計新款衣服

think up new things 想出一些新點子

fly planes 駕駛飛機

make films 製作電影
2008-09-10 12:31 am
皆因你d句子not seems to be meaningful.所以我盡力照字面explain.

建造和修補能照顧人/人的牙齒(caz I don't know you mean people's or
people ,.....)


fly planes?? I guess it means 飛行的飛機/上升的水平??( the first one is more similar><)

make films=拍電影

I really hope that these information can offer you some help~^^
參考: myself
2008-09-10 12:24 am
build and repair things 建造及維修野
take care of people teeth 照顧人既牙齒 - 牙醫
explore space 探索地方
Design new styles of clothes 設計新款衫
think up new thins 想出新野
fly planes 飛機?? 好似無fly planes 這個字, 應該係Air planes
make films 拍電影
參考: 自己

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