
2008-09-09 11:34 pm

A.your teacher wants you to find out some information about another student.First write down 'yes/no'-question using the present perfect abd the words and phrases given.Then think of one 'yes/no'-question and write it inthe space provided.

1. ever/visit Macau
Q:Have you ever visited Macau? A:__________________

2.ever/performed in a school play
Q:____________________ A:_______________

3.Q:_____________________ A:_________________

B-next write down information questions using the past continuous and the words and plrases given.then think of one more information question and write it in the space provided.

1.what/do/at 3p.m. last saturday
Q:________________________ A:_____________________

2.what/do/at 9a.m. last sunday
Q:________________________ A:_____________________

3.Q:________________________ A:_____________________


可唔可以做part B的第一題比我睇...要有ans....


回答 (1)

2008-09-10 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
A部分考你 Present Perfect Tense
B部分考你 Past Continuous Tense

A1. Have you ever visited Macau?

答: Yes, I have visited Macau. 長答
Yes, I have. 短答
No, I haven't visited Macau. 長答
No, I haven't. 短答

你用番之前學既, has/ have 動詞基本型轉present perfect tense 就得架喇, 我唔知你答 yes 定 no, 長答定短答, 所以你自己決定喇!

B. 用Past Continuous Tense, 即係過去現在式

結構: 主語 was/were 動詞-ing

例子: 我昨天在十時正時, 正在做功課,

I was doing my homework at 10 o'clock yesterday.

1. what/do/at 3p.m. last saturday

Q: What were you doing at 3 p.m. last Saturday?
A: I was _________ at 3p.m. last Saturday. (你自己加番你當時做緊乜野)

好似: I was dancing/swimming/sleeping/reading at 3p.m. last Saturday.

第三題, 問題同答案你都要自己作架!

(仲有, 我唔知你本作業有無圖畫指示你, 如果有, 就跟番圖畫入面既野 黎答喇!)
參考: 自己 ;]

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