本人第一次歐遊有一些疑問, 希望有心人可以幫幫忙解答一下, 謝謝!
我會去奧地利, 首先會在德國慕尼黑機場轉機, 想問現在的轉機程序如何, 那裡的候機室安全嗎? 另去到奧地利機場後, 我應該在那裡等我朋友來接我比較安全, 和那裡的過關程序複唔複雜? 我需要注意什麼?
另外, 想問下在歐洲, 在安全問題上有什麼我可以注意的? 謝謝!
回答 (2)
✔ 最佳答案
首先在慕尼黑辦進入EU的Passport Control。 機場是安全的。 因為是神根公約國,到奧地利後不需再辦入境手續。 維也納機場的入境大堂不大。 很容易找到您的朋友。
參考: I live in Vienna
Munich airport. Terminal 1 and 2 is short walk away from each other
那裡的候機室安全嗎? Safe. Even last time, I arrived at Munich airport. The custom go through all my bags.
If you fly Lufthansa, you will arrive at Terminal 2, go through the passports controls, check out the boarding gate of your connecting flight. Once you arrive Vienna, it is more easy. Follow the sign "Exit Vienna" to the baggage claim area...
Well, your friend will control. Austrian and German are punctual. My friends will always be there. I don't need to wait as they know my flights. If not, you can wait at the "meeting point" or McDonald's at the arrival.
same as everywhere, watch out your bag and luggage. Prepare the money that you need in a separate way. Do not put all your money in your wallet. Put small amount of money at your pocket in case you need to buy tickets/food. If you go with your friend in Austria, it is easy. I don't think your friend will take you too a dangerous place...
Been to Munich for many times, did fly with Lufthansa direct to Munich; Emirates(arrive at T1); Singapore Airlines via London + Lufthansa to Munich;Cathay Pacific to Frankfurt + train to Munich
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