”most” vs ”most of the”

2008-09-09 2:02 pm
有很多實例, 我們可以在十日內解缺問題

In most cases, we can solve the problem in 10 days
In most of the cases, we can solve the problem in 10 days

hi, what is the difference between the above 2 sentences?

both sentences are written by me

回答 (2)

2008-09-13 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
In most cases, we can solve the problem in 10 days.
In most of the cases, we can solve the problem in 10 days.
在以上兩句例句中, most cases 和 most of the cases 在字面上似乎無咩分別, 都係解作「在大部份的過案/情況中」, 但係在用法上就唔可以完全當一樣。
第2句例句中, 之所以要有個 of 字都全因為要加入個the 字。
關鍵係在於個the 字, the 字係幾時用呢? the cases 係指那些個案, 所以必定係有前言曾經交代過話題中的cases 是甚麼。 當要複述該情況時, 就會稱之為 the cases (ie. 全個phrase 就會係most of the cases)

結論係, 當你第一次提出這件事, 你就要用 in most cases
而在複述該件事嘅時候, 就要用 in most of the cases


I saw a man sneaking into your room. Do you know who the man is? (the man 指「那個」男人)
我看到一個男人偷偷地走進你房。 你知道那個男人是誰嗎?
a man: 相對於你例句中的 most cases 而
the man: 相對於你例句中的 most of the cases
2008-09-10 12:44 am
There is no difference between "Most" and "Most of the"
In most cases= 好多cases
In most of the cases=好多的cases
For example,
Some of the people and Some people.. two sentences mean the same.
參考: myself

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