我要回覆一封投信封,請幫忙譯成英文, 謝

2008-09-09 8:14 am
我要代公司回覆一封投訴信, 如下:
經過我們的職員調查,這批水果可能收藏得不好, 在運輸的途中變壞了。我們會在三日之內, 透過另一船運公司補送返水果。我們保不會再發生呢類事件。
我們會時時儘量確保(always try to ensure)我們的水果係高質素。並保証呢批replacement的水果一定令你哋滿意。如果它哋有咩不同,請聯絡我。請接受我們真心的道歉。

回答 (3)

2008-09-10 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
We have received your complaint letter on 04/09/2008 regarding rotten fruit.
After our investigation, we have discovered that the fruit is not stored well, and is rotten during transportation. In three days, we will deliver some new fruit to you via another shipping company. We promise similar incidents will not ovvur again.
We will always try to ensure the high quality of your fruit, and ensure that these replacements will satisfy you. If you have any enquiry, please contact me (tele. no.: ) Please accept our sincere apology.
參考: me 請選我. 我是自己譯的, 不是用翻譯機的
2008-09-10 3:44 am
We receive your hurl to tell concerning the fruit putrefied letter on September 4, 2008.
After our employee's inquisitions, these fruits may collect not good, the on the way being transporting grew worse.We will on the third inside, repair to send to return a fruit through another a transportation by ship company.Do we protect and can't take place again type affairs.
We will always and as far as possible ensure(always try to ensure) that our fruits is Gao Zhi2 Su4.Also guarantee criticize a replacement fruit to definitely make yourSatisfied.If itsThere is different Mie, please contact me.Please accept our sincere apologies.
參考: 譯言堂
2008-09-09 6:01 pm
Dear XXX
Re: Replacement of fruit
I refer to your letter dated 4 Sept regarding the rotten fruit.
Having checked with your case, we found that the fruit was rotten due to improper handling during delivery. We are going to have the fruit replaced within 3 days by another shipment. We are extremely sorry about our neglect and we guarantee you that no repeat of the incident in future.
Please understand that we are always in the position to maintain the best quality of our products. We promise you that the fruit under replacement will satisfy you. In case the categories of fruit are difference from our last shipment, please keep me informed.
We sincerely hope that you would accept our heartfelt apology.
Best regards,

2008-09-09 10:04:46 補充:
"always in the position" is a better description than " always try to ensure"

2008-09-09 10:08:37 補充:
difference (last sentence under the 3rd paragraph) - typing error, it should be "different"

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