請問點解人哋隻FS2004個機場會咁靚? (20分)

2008-09-09 7:27 am
請問點解人哋隻FS2004個機場會咁靚,停機坪有咁多唔同航空公司嘅飛機泊係度? 宜我果個得個機場宜其他野咩都冇?


回答 (3)

2008-09-09 3:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are many addon into flight simulator 2004.Let me take a minutes to
explain it to you.In fs 2004 you have at least 4 major addon,these are aircrafts
addon such as PMDG 747,Boeing 777..etc.Traffic which is something can
create reality in aviation,airports addon like London Heathrow airport and
many other major airports in the world.The last major one is call scenery.
The best way to improve your airport is go out there and buy some addon
airport from major development companies like aerosoft or you can going to
www.avsim.com which is provide most free addon.

Hope this info can help you.
2008-09-15 12:19 am
SETTINGS>Traffic...>Air Traffic內的Air traffic density (%): 果度左右調校多d飛機或少d飛機在停機坪或空中出現

參考: ME
2008-09-14 11:37 pm
依D係外掛, 你可以去 www.avsim.net 度download Scencery, 另外D飛機就係AI 機, http://hk.geocities.com/tosiubu/ 有得下載

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