What is the meaning of ”bread and butter”?

2008-09-09 2:15 am
"bread and butter"

What is the meaning of this phrase?
(I don't expect answer form wikipedia, that's not what I want.)

thank you!

Can you explain it further in Chinese? Thank you very much if you can:).

回答 (2)

2008-09-09 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
西方人天天吃面包。面包是他们生活中不可缺少的一部份,就像米饭跟馒头对中国人一样重要。同时,他们吃面包的时候一般都要在面包上涂牛油。因此,牛油加面包成了西方人最基本的食品Bread and butter. Bread and butter的意思就是生活最基本的需要,例如,食品、住房、衣服等。有的人把自己的工作叫做bread and butter。
2008-09-09 5:04 am
bread and butter 是生活上所遇見的煩瑣事情的意思. 呢d叫做idioms. 好似green light 即是go ahead的意思

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