
2008-09-08 9:25 pm
我下星期要去三藩市國際機場, 第一次去美國, 聽人講去美國既出境好繁複

而家需要有甚麼步驟? 好似要填兩張form? 希望可以由出機, 拎行李, 過關的步驟詳細寫出! 因為我怕會做錯步驟...


回答 (2)

2008-09-09 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
hi ...
1. before ur flight arrives at 三藩市國際機場, some flight attendent will give some Forms to you. If u are using USA tourist visa/business visa to enter USA, there are 2 Forms u need to complete. Form I-94 (white): It is issued to visitors who hold a valid U.S. visa, such as B-1, B-2, F-1, H-1B, etc. and the Declaration Custom Form. http://www.customs.ustreas.gov/linkhandler/cgov/travel/clearing/traveler_entry_form/cbp_traveler_brochure.ctt/cbp_traveler_brochure.pdf
2. when ur flight arrives the airport, following the instruction and go to US immigration dept, present ur passport, US tourist visa and 2 Forms to US officer. He/she will ask u some basic questions, e.g. why u come to US, how u will stay ... etc? also u need to take the fingerprint (they are using the scanner) and take photos for reference. Then the officer will stamp the date on ur passport, u can see how long u can stay in USA from that date chop.
3. go to take ur suitcase from lauguage belt. you can check the belt no. with using ur flight no.
4. after collecting ur suitcase, go to the US custom dept and hand the Custom Declaration Form to the officer. normally if u only have 1 suitcase and 1 handcarry, they will let u pass without any checking.
5. following the sign and exit.
Have a nice trip.


2008-09-08 21:02:32 補充:
O... if u have US greencard or US passport, there is no need to complete the Form I-94. ONLY need to complete the Custom Declaraction Form.
參考: experienced person
2008-09-09 9:11 am

2008-09-09 01:22:27 補充:

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