有無人試過在BookinHotels.com 網站book酒店?安全嗎

2008-09-08 6:46 pm
有無人試過在 BookinHotels.com 網站 boo k 英國酒店? 安全嗎? 如何防止受騙?

Thanks to Henry, littlepuipui and tim8211, To:tim8211 Have you tried this website BookinHotels.com to book the hotel in U.K.? I have a problem to get response from them after I paid for hotel in U.K. Any suggestion?


Thanks to Kime_1212, Are you sure you book through bookinhotels.com without any deposit? I have to make full payment by credit card with the hotel confirmation. Please check & advise as tomorrow is the deadline for me to cancel the booking without exact penalty. Many thanks!

回答 (5)

2008-09-08 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如何防止受騙 ?/ 就是找一家有別人用過, 而沒有受任何損失的網站了
你提及的網站我沒有用過, 不敢評論. 不過, 我會提供另外兩個網站讓你比較參考, 這兩個也是我用過, 覺得服務可以的

www.ratestogo.com (提供由即日計, 20 天內的酒店房間)
www.hotelclub.com (提供由即日計, 2 年內的酒店房間)
找到網站後, 你只需如常搜索心儀的酒店. 如果在網站上訂房, 首先網站會收房價的 20% 作為訂金, 另加每次港幣 20 元服務費. 付訂金後網站會電郵一封 confirmation 給你. 把它打印出來帶到酒店作訂房證明. 餘數將於你到達酒店後, 再用信用卡付款.
我試過替朋友訂房, 即日下午 3 點, 訂一間當晚的房間, 也能安排的很好. 因此你可以作為一比較和參考. 先聲明本人和網站絕無任何利益關係, 純粹是服務介紹而已.
2008-09-27 5:39 am
Thanks for all who gave me the answers. The problem with Bookinhotel.com is that this website will only give the names of customer to the hotel 3 days before check-in. You need to call or email the hotel and Bookinhotel.com to reconfirm the hotel booking shortly before departure.
2008-09-11 4:04 am

參考: me
2008-09-08 9:21 pm
safe. , no worry , enjoy ur trip
2008-09-08 7:07 pm
I have tried the hotel.com for booking the hotel in London and Singapore before, there is no problem on this website. I always using this webiste.

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