
2008-09-08 12:49 pm
Because of cataracts, your neighbor was deprived of visual experiences during early childhood. Last year, her vision was restored by surgery, but she is having difficulty in dealing with the visual world, This is probably because:

A. Brain cells normally devoted to vision died or were diverted to other uses.
B. normal pruning of the visual brain cells occurred.
C. brain development ends in childhood.
D. Visual deprivation has no effect on brain development

Which answer is correct? Why?

回答 (1)

2008-09-09 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think the answer is:
D. Visual deprivation has no effect on brain development
It is because your neighbor was deprived of visual experiences during early childhood. There's quite a lot of visual learning and experiences that was lost because of the cataracts. Your neighbour has no images of the vision world at all.

So she is having difficulty in dealing with the visual world, just like we have met the 'aliens' or have migrated to a strange star suddenly. The visual world is very strangeandcompletely foreign to him/her.

2008-09-09 14:08:33 補充:
The visual world is very strange and completely foreign to him/her.

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