急!!!!!!!!!英釋中~ (20分)

2008-09-08 6:47 am
Last week I watched the video of the last lecture "achieving your childhood dreams", given by Randy Pausch.However, untile today I have the time to write down my feelings.
Randy is a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, and he's dying. In 2006, Randy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and less than a year later, the cancer metastasized to his liver and spleen. He was given six months to live. Shortly after this diagnosis, Randy given his "last lecture".
I am really moved and inspired by this lecture. During this lecture, which lasted almost one and half hours, there was no cry and sadness but laugh and humor. As a man who is dying in a few months because of cancer, you can still feel his happiness, his persistence to dream, his power and his love.

This lecture makes up with three sections:
1. how to realize the childhood dreams;
2. how to help others to make their dreams come true;
3. lessons learned from the life of himself.
In this lecture, something impresses me deeply.
the optimistic attitude to life
When there is only a drop of water in his cup, he still can find out the happiness and brightness from it. I think that is becacuse he really has lived his life. When our life is in low situation, we should have a attitude Just as he said: We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

The brick wall appears in his PPT for several times. Yes, there's always a brick wall for dream climbers. But he said:
Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.
Brick walls just stop those who don't want it so badly. And we will finally get through the wall because we want it badly. There's about the dream and the setback. He is right and he realize his dreams.

How to get people help you
l You can't get there alone, and I believe in Karma
2 Tell the truth
3 Be earnest
4 Apologize when you screw up
5 Focus on others, not yourself

回答 (2)

2008-09-08 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
上星期,我看 " 達成你的孩童時期夢 " 的最後一個演講的錄影帶,被喧鬧 Pausch.However 給, 今天不鋪以瓦我有時候寫下我的感覺。
挑剔的女人是卡內基美隆大學的一位電腦科學的教授,而且他死亡。 在 2006 年,挑剔的女人被診斷為胰臟的癌症, 和更少的超過一年之後,癌症對他的肝臟和脾臟轉移。 他有六個月住。在這一種診斷之後不久, 給他的 " 最後的演講 " 的挑剔的女人.
我被真的移動而且被這一個演講激發。 在這一個演講,幾乎持續了一和一半的小時期間,沒有哭聲和悲哀但是笑而且迎合。 當在幾個月之內因為癌症死亡的一個男人之時, 你能仍然感覺他的快樂, 他的持續做夢, 他的力量和他的愛。
這一個演講以三個部分組成 %3 一
1. 該如何了解孩童時期夢%3個 B
2. 該如何幫助其他實現他們的夢%3個 B
3. 課從他自己的生活學習。
當只有一下降水在他的杯子中的時候,他仍然能發現來自它的快樂和光亮。 我認為那是他真的已經住他的生活的 becacuse 。當我們的生活在低的情形中的時候,我們應該有態度,正如他說%3 一我們不能夠改變我們被處理的卡片, 究竟我們如何玩手。

磚塊牆壁在他的 PPT 中出現好幾次。 是的,總是有一面磚塊牆壁為夢登桿器。 但是他說:
磚塊牆壁為一個理由在那裡%3 一他們讓我們證明我們想要事物地多嚴重。
而且因為我們嚴重地想要它,我們將最後通過牆壁。 關於夢和挫折有。 他是正確的,而且他了解他的夢。

l. 而且我相信因果報應
2 說事實
3 要認真
4 道歉當你振作起來
5 把重心集中在其他, 不你自己
參考: dictionary
2008-09-09 3:49 am
我上星期觀看了最後演講的錄影"達到您的童年作夢", 由蘭迪・Pausch.However, 我有時候寫下我的感覺的untile 今天給。蘭迪是電腦科學教授在卡內基梅隆大學, 並且他垂危。2006 年, 蘭迪被診斷了以胰臟癌症, 和比一年後, 癌症metastasized 對他的肝臟和脾臟。他被給了六個月居住。在這個診斷之後, 蘭迪被給他的"前次演講" 。我由這次演講移動和真正地_發。在這次演講期間, 持續幾乎一和半小時, 沒有啼聲和悲傷但笑和幽默。作為垂危在幾個月由於癌症的一個人, 您能仍然感覺他的幸福、他的堅持作夢, 他的力量和他的愛。

這次演講用三個部分組成: 1. 怎麼實現童年夢想; 2. 怎麼幫助其他人做他們的夢想來真實; 3. 教訓學會了從生活他自己。在這次演講, 某事深深地打動我樂觀態度對生活當有唯一水滴在他的杯子裡, 他可能仍然發現幸福和亮光從它。我認為是becacuse 他真正地居住他的生活。當我們的生活是在低情況, 我們他說應該有態度正: 我們無法改變我們成交的卡片, 怎麼我們演奏手。

磚牆出現在他的PPT 多次。是, 有總一個磚牆為夢想登山人。但他說: 磚牆是那裡為原因: 他們讓我們證明多麼我們非常想要事。磚牆停止那些那麼非常不想要它。並且我們最後將得到通過牆壁因為我們非常想要它。有關於夢想和挫折。他正確並且他實現他的夢想。

怎麼得到人幫助您您無法到那兒單獨的l, 並且我相信羯磨2 講真相3 是認真4 道歉當您弄糟5 焦點在其他人, 不是你自己

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