請問有冇人去過speedmate呢間speed dating?好唔好?感覺如何?

2008-09-08 6:15 am

回答 (3)

2008-09-13 6:33 am
2008-09-12 9:58 pm
Hi , I came across this Yahoo 知識 about Speedmate by chance today . Since I have been to the events of Speedmate three times , 1 in May , 1 in June and the last in July , I would like to say something about it .

About half a year before , a girl who is my colleague recommended me to Speedmate . She said I could meet many new friends there .She was right .

I have been to events of Coffee Matching and 214 Dating before , then I went to Speedmate to have a look at it . I found the events of these 3 organisers were of the same kind speed dating , more or less of same quality . All their events were OK . Ada of Coffee , Tammy of 214 , and Mr. Leung of Speedmate are all nice . Since Speedmate is a new one , if you have not been to its events , please give youself a chance to try it once .

Frankly speaking , although I do want to see 主持著短裙又低胸..樣靚又身材正 , I did not see any such 主持 in my 3 events of Speedmate. It was very lucky that the eyes of [email protected] had eaten such ice-cream . In fact , [email protected] should pay his attention to the participants there , not to the 主持's 短裙又低胸 . What is his purpose to these events . I wonder !

Although I am not very familiar with Mr. Leung , I believe he would not 問咩講咩 and 爆人家嘅 . If he did so , I would like to ask him the 私隠 of [email protected] first , to know what knid of man [email protected] is . What is the purpose of [email protected] saying such thing to 刻意抺黑 others .

2008-09-12 14:03:38 補充:

2008-09-12 14:07:08 補充:
I hereby ask the organisers of Speed Dating not to allow some kinds of man to their speed datings . Since paying money , no one wants to meet rubbish in these events . Oh , it is very difficult , really ? As [email protected] himself said , D質素見仁見智啦..唔係控制到嘛 .

2008-09-12 14:08:30 補充:
In one event of Speedmate , it was very kind enough of Mr. Leung to wait for a man who came very late . When this man ( he was with no eye-glasses ) did arrive , one of the participants ( a girl ) expressed a sigh : " Oh ! Waste time for such an ugly man " .

2008-09-12 14:09:48 補充:
Another girl whispered that : " Oh ! This guy came late again and again " . Other girls seemed to be very disappointed at seeing this guy . I did hope this guy was not [email protected] .

2008-09-12 14:10:34 補充:
I did hope this guy was not [email protected] . Oh ! Really ? But ................. , since he 差唔多次次遲一粒鍾 . God should not have been so unfair to him . What a pity .

2008-09-12 14:11:05 補充:
At last , I would like to say something to Speedmate . Please go ahead . Many singles need you ( your speed datings ) . Be generous , forgive him .

Thank you for reading . Best regards .

2008-09-12 15:19:49 補充:
One more to say . In my 3 experiences in Speedmate , each event started at about 3.00pm . The speed dating started at about 4.00pm and all ended just before 6.00pm . If no one came so late , the events would have been run more better .

2008-09-12 15:20:45 補充:
I hereby ask all the organisers of Speed Dating not to allow any cool man , cool boy , cool girl to these speed dating . Since no one want to see / meet cool friends in these events . Cool is not welcome there . However , as [email protected] himself said 唔係控制到嘛 . Agree or not ?

2008-09-12 15:32:27 補充:
Man , if you are cool , if you CONFESS that you are cool , then please DO NOT come to any speed dating event or 交友聯誼活動 , you will not / can not 結識朋友 in these events . Please just go home and play yourself , alone .

2008-09-12 15:33:37 補充:
You are not welcomed there .

2008-11-24 15:26:57 補充:
Hi maymay03021982 ,

Don't be frightened . At least I would not do so to you .

I have not been to Eternity Dating . What is your experience of it .
2008-09-11 8:54 pm
我係一個情場失意者, 所以經常參加speed dating 嘅活動. 回顧呢半年都幫襯過幾間不同嘅organiser. 當中都參加過speedmate.

Speedmate個老闆好nice. 參加者嘅質素就次次唔同, 大致上唔錯, 我都有同幾個女仔keep 住contact. 活動地區亦方便. 食物方面就一般啦, 有一次食日本野認真唔錯, 不過參加呢d都唔係為左食野架啦.

想回應返coolmankx嘅回答, D 女mc 係幾靚女, 不過唔係刻意暴露. 老闆亦冇向我爆人家嘅私隠. 活動時間亦都冇半個鐘咁快, 我參與過幾次最短戈次都差唔多兩個鐘. 試過有朋友問過我, 我都推薦過speedmate.
參考: 我曾經參加過幾次

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