
2008-09-08 5:45 am
我今年39 , 已結婚有兩名子女, 他們分別是十歲和七歲, 過往我上午上班下午照顧他們, 現在他們都長大一點, 我希望自己可以找到一分全職工作, 既可以使生活好一點也使自己不會和社會脫節.
我現在在一間保險公司當文員, 主要整理文件, 存檔, 影印一般寫字樓的文職工作, 上一份工在菲傭介紹所做代理, 介紹傭工給僱主, 一切入境署文件, 代客訂票, 投訴等......及在pccw做客戶服務主任
我最喜歡的活動是游水及踏單車, 和全家人一起是我最大的快樂時候.

回答 (2)

2008-09-11 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am 39 years old, married with two kids age 10 an seven. I used to work in the morning and take care of the kids in the afternoon. Now that they are older I wish to work full-time, to improve quality of life as well as stay in touch with the society.

I am currently working as a clerk in an insurance company. My job duties are filing, photocopying and assisting. The previous job I worked at a employment agency as a consultant, main job duties were to find job placements for domestic helpers, arrange all the legal documents. Prior to that I was customer service executive at PCCW.

My interests include swimming and cycling. My happiest time is when I am with my family.
2008-09-09 7:34 am






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